Archived FitBit offer for Target TMs

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I guess that means I was working hard enough lol. For the last week, I've averaged 15k to 20k in the backroom everyday and the novelty kinda wore off but at least I know I'm meeting that 10k goal everytime I go into work
I signed up for everything and all but when I activated my device on my phone I didn't know my district. Is there any way to look these up online? I know it was on a table at work but I can't remember right now.

Also I saw lots of people complaining about how to change this and I'm pretty surprised I found it
I got there and it automatically put me in region 300, but ive never worked in that region and it wont let me change it to anything besides region 300 🙁
I'm thinking about getting the HR charge... just want to know my HR, phone calls notifications, I used to be a runner, but it also helps when you're zoning. Movement with your arms counts. I know it's like $115 more, but hey. I have a friend who has it. I just wish Target would put that $1 million into payroll instead into charity. I for sure know team member will be walking their asses off..
In our store we started competing against each other who gets the most steps each day.

I'm actually using our treadmill now

Our ETLs are doing their own separate competition amongst themselves. #oneteamonestore :V
Hi there does anyone know how to check if Im lockedto my store on thr Fitbit or on the app that you download on your phone!.I know it asked me when I first set it up but I'm not too sure if I'm really locked in.Thx
I've been wearing my Zip on the inside of my belt. That thing isn't going anywhere!

I wore mine on the outside upside down cause it was easier to put on. It pasted until today. It's gone now. Good to see my stellar luck holding up.
I average 4k steps less on average than my ETL-LOG when he's LOD. Then again their shifts are 4hrs longer than mine.
I wonder if any stores are cheating by giving a bunch of Fitbits to the TMs that walk the most (like the Flow TL or sales floor CAF pushers).
I wonder if any stores are cheating by giving a bunch of Fitbits to the TMs that walk the most (like the Flow TL or sales floor CAF pushers).
How is that cheating if all TM's are eligible to get them?

Or do you mean multiple fitbits to one tm? I mean the prize isn't exactly something stores would be cheating to get so...
I meant finding the person who walks the most, and every TM who ordered one lets that TM wear it for his/her shift. So one person would be walking around all day wearing a bunch of Fitbits.
I meant finding the person who walks the most, and every TM who ordered one lets that TM wear it for his/her shift. So one person would be walking around all day wearing a bunch of Fitbits.
The image that conjured gave me a chuckle, actually, but I'm easily amused.
I meant finding the person who walks the most, and every TM who ordered one lets that TM wear it for his/her shift. So one person would be walking around all day wearing a bunch of Fitbits.

Ah, okay. You had lost me for a minute.
Hey guys, I'm sorry if this has been addressed but this is a really long discussion! I manage two portrait studios that are inside of target and we do have employee numbers that are eligible for employee discount, etc. but none of our numbers are working for the fit bit promotion. Anybody have any insight? We entered the correct region and did 00 before our discount numbers as well.
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Hey guys, I'm sorry if this has been addressed but this is a really long discussion! I manage two portrait studios that are inside of target and we do have employee numbers that are eligible for employee discount, etc. but none of our numbers are working for the fit bit promotion. Anybody have any insight? We entered the correct region and did 00 before our discount numbers as well.
Try contacting Fitbit using the options on their website, or emailing Target here: [email protected]

Keep in mind that the last day to order is Wednesday.
Thank you, I sent a quick email. Hoping that we're eligible! Another studio manager tried and had the same problem
I'm apparently not eligible because I'm a "contingent employee" ...ooookay. We get the same employee discount and perks unlike mobile so I figured we were golden. Bummed!
Still waiting on mine... 'bout 2 weeks now.

Must be one hella backlog!
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