Archived FitBit offer for Target TMs

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For the most part, the sleep tracking is pretty accurate. It at least knows what time I went to bed, and what time I woke up. Anytime you move during your sleep it counts it as "restlessness" and tells you how many minutes per night you were restless. Im not sure exactly how it tracks your sleep but I read about it somewhere, maybe on the fitbit website where it gives a more detailed explanation

If you move a ton (or get up to pee or something) it labels it as being awake instead of just restless. I just discovered I may be able to change the sleep detection's settings to "sensitive," though, so that's cool. Maybe that will give me a better picture of the quality of my sleep. Also, the charge, hr and surge auto detect sleep after an hour without movement.

Source: Fitbit Help - Sleep tracking FAQs
An old guy who just retired tried to get one but it wouldn't recognize his TM#.
Guess it's only for 'current' TMs.
I am having the craziest time getting the battery pack open. I tried opening with the key they gave me ( no luck) a dime ( no luck) and it just isn't working. I can normally open those type of things but this thing is not budging.
The Zip comes with a battery opening tool.
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District can be found at the top of workbench when you log in like R2xx/G2xx/D2xx/T-2xxx
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How do you find your exact district? I know which one I am in under the 100/200/300 but then for each one it has additional options like 202 or 101, 303. etc.
First day over 15k just in the backroom. Got the flex and I gotta say it's not half as bad as a watch. Never could justify spending $100 on it but half off couldn't be beat.
Word around the district is that there's a lot of TMs returning their zip for a gift card. I can only see this ending badly.
Got my flex the other day and its pretty neat. Kind of think working on the line during unload is throwing off my steps though. Something to do with strapping this thing to an arm that spends an hour and a half throwing boxes around while my feet don't move much. Not sure how else I managed to get 2-4k steps during unload.
Got my flex the other day and its pretty neat. Kind of think working on the line during unload is throwing off my steps though. Something to do with strapping this thing to an arm that spends an hour and a half throwing boxes around while my feet don't move much. Not sure how else I managed to get 2-4k steps during unload.
Shake in a small bag will get you steps..
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