Archived Fitting room

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Stores that unload the truck at 6am do not have the breakout done by 8. And the phone in these stores may ring a handful of times between 8 and 10am.

Thanks for playing, but 100% MY STORE SL BREAK IS DONE By 0800 99%, the only way this is not the case is if we get some HUGE SL transition. We are a 0600 store (begrundginly, extreme sore point) B Volume nearly A. My SL girls better be pushing by 0800. Again they would have to have nearly the entire truck not be at that point. That is 1 hour past unload to be complete on sort. If they got swamped or something, they might go past 0800 for sort, but it is very, very, very, very rare...very rare. These SL girls you don't mess with or you will be sorted and hung! 🙂 😉

And the phone rings off the hook practically starting at 0800. Way too busy for FRO to be trying to put stuff away, and most definitely to sort.

In My store the hr answers phones til fitting room comes in (which is noon to 2pm weekdays). When fitting room is staffed they answer calls, zone girls and back half of rtw, put reshop away wherever they can reach and hear the phones, assist with mannequin changes, etc.
when hr goes to break before fitting room is staffed, either the cash office answers calls ringing overhead, or softlines answers them.

HRTM doesn't touch the phone unless the FRO is a CO, NCNS. And eventually some one will be called in to fill that spot, as the HRTM doing that all day, would, no, definitely will have the HRETL on the war path.... CO... nope they don't touch the phone, period, ever. Overhead night ring during store open... STL will take care of that sin... Some one who is Operator trained and in the store will take that spot till its filled for CO/NCNS's and fill a cashier and/or SL spot

Our FRO will sort reshop to Z's, and the dump from guests at the FR.. They might try to put some of the clearance and some of the stuff immediately in the area of the FR away.. that won't last long.. Again, we just get too many calls. Day or night. I am amazed at the volume of calls we get even now.. but the store actively encourages it as " good guest service" too.
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HRTM doesn't touch the phone unless the FRO is a CO, NCNS. And eventually some one will be called in to fill that spot, as the HRTM doing that all day, would, no, definitely will have the HRETL on the war path.... CO... nope they don't touch the phone, period, ever. Overhead night ring during store open... STL will take care of that sin... Some one who is Operator trained and in the store will take that spot till its filled for CO/NCNS's and fill a cashier and/or SL spot

ASANTS. At my store, the HRTM's exclusively answer the phone. Fitting Room will work the phone during the HRTM's breaks, but otherwise it's entirely on HR.
Many 6am stores are c volume or worse. We have 3 people stock softlines truck. That's all the payroll we get. So the breakout is never done by 8. ASANTS.
I'd kill for a mobile phone.

The entire process of phones in TGT needs a total make over to move to the 20th century let along the 21st! There are certain other stores which have this concept covered

Every TM should have an wireless SIP extension. FRO sends the calls right to that. None of this BS on the radios, except when that TM is busy already. As 99% of the questions are going to require the TM to go to some spot halfway to the Arctic from the phone any way.
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