Has anyone heard an ETA on fixing the hourly report? The entire region has shown zero units received for several days.
R200 still showing that for me earlier today. My TL hasn’t informed me yet of a fix.

There's a glitch in our stores metrics app, keeps showing 0% infs, even though it's been crazy
The app on the Zebra aren’t accuracte but the Hourly Report still shows the correct INF report but inaccurate receive/inf %
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No known ETA on the reporting fix.

Current collate fix is anticipated to be tonight. Confirmed the part of the issue is if you type in the Cart location instead of scan the location. It needs the cart capitalized.

No known fix time for the drop time errors. We had ship tomorrow confirmed as early as 10:30AM and ship today confirmed as late as 3:00PM. Technically CSC has said that the drop time errors should have 24 hours to pick and pack, but it's district operations preference for marching orders. I'll stand my ground that the metric be damned on a full cart dropping in at 3 with the expectation for it to be picked and boxes by 4:30 when we still have softlines heavier than normal.
No known fix time for the drop time errors. We had ship tomorrow confirmed as early as 10:30AM and ship today confirmed as late as 3:00PM. Technically CSC has said that the drop time errors should have 24 hours to pick and pack, but it's district operations preference for marching orders. I'll stand my ground that the metric be damned on a full cart dropping in at 3 with the expectation for it to be picked and boxes by 4:30 when we still have softlines heavier than normal.
So wait is orders that are dropped in the ‘ship tomorrow’ before the cutoff time due for the ‘ship today?’ Since I’ve called CSC 2 days ago, my TL haven’t informed us yet of an update. CSC told me to pick ‘ship tomorrow’ if we have time which we don’t have much right now.
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@JohnSith373 unless you pick the ship tomorrow before 1 there is no way to batch the orders by time as how they are batched to pick is not based on time, but on DCPI and cart size. There's still an element of the time, but if you check a cart and don't pick ANY of it then exit out and let more drop in you may see that the next cart can have different items or quantities to pull based on basically rebatching.
and ship today confirmed as late as 3:00PM

Some of these might be rush batches. We haven't seen any rush batches in days, since all these glitches have been happening. Since we're a restock store it's somewhat easy to track.. all of our restocks have been dropping as/into normal ship batches. Even the ones that drop late in the day.
No known ETA on the reporting fix.

Current collate fix is anticipated to be tonight. Confirmed the part of the issue is if you type in the Cart location instead of scan the location. It needs the cart capitalized.

No known fix time for the drop time errors. We had ship tomorrow confirmed as early as 10:30AM and ship today confirmed as late as 3:00PM. Technically CSC has said that the drop time errors should have 24 hours to pick and pack, but it's district operations preference for marching orders. I'll stand my ground that the metric be damned on a full cart dropping in at 3 with the expectation for it to be picked and boxes by 4:30 when we still have softlines heavier than normal.

Yep and my store wants those 3pm batches picked and packed by 4:30pm and it hasn't gone well..
"Nothing can grow wrong in SFS." Looks on: Heavy weather shuts down store for awhile. Next day, power shortage in SFS area, can't scan out. The team averages 3 people daily and may need assistance once in awhile, if support is available. 2 of those days, only 1 TM was scheduled. At peak, congested up to 1000 units. Scaled it down to 350. Metrics will be hit. The TL "in charge" of Backroom and SFS doesn't care and does not have any efficient strategies.
"Nothing can grow wrong in SFS." Looks on: Heavy weather shuts down store for awhile. Next day, power shortage in SFS area, can't scan out. The team averages 3 people daily and may need assistance once in awhile, if support is available. 2 of those days, only 1 TM was scheduled. At peak, congested up to 1000 units. Scaled it down to 350. Metrics will be hit. The TL "in charge" of Backroom and SFS doesn't care and does not have any efficient strategies.

I know, my TL cares and is trying but he doesn't have resources and they won't listen to him with schedule needs so we get 1 person from 12 noon to 4:30pm for an entire days workload and then they wonder when its not done.
Current collate fix is anticipated to be tonight. Confirmed the part of the issue is if you type in the Cart location instead of scan the location. It needs the cart capitalized.
Typing in the cart location capitalized doesn’t fix the printing issue. My store still has issues of typed-in cart location not printing out.

No known fix time for the drop time errors. We had ship tomorrow confirmed as early as 10:30AM and ship today confirmed as late as 3:00PM.
We had 100 DPCIs for ‘ship tomorrow’ at 8am. We weren’t able to pick any of those because a lot of softlines, ESIM and frágiles to pack. There was still no ETA when I called CSC this morning.
Typing in the cart location capitalized doesn’t fix the printing issue. My store still has issues of typed-in cart location not printing out.
Given how P&S2.0 punishes stores for staging orders, I wonder if this is supposed to punish stores for typing cart locations. 🙄 This issue doesn't seem to affect P&S2.0, oddly enough.
Given how P&S2.0 punishes stores for staging orders, I wonder if this is supposed to punish stores for typing cart locations. 🙄 This issue doesn't seem to affect P&S2.0, oddly enough.
Better not, I’m not conjoined to the hip with a cart and I’m not gonna go up and down on the WAVE just to scan labels when searching hanging softlines.
So most recent CSC update on the ship today vs ship tomorrow drop issues is the the fix isn't going to happen until the system wide Move 2.0 rollouts, which is "soon" so I'd plan on 1.5-2 weeks of this.

@JohnSith373 we'll see if we run into the issue tomorrow as I did part of the cart in caps on purpose.
It probably is.
I believe we're the only store with it at the moment, but if an item is RFID enabled, a little blue antenna looking button appears to the top right of the picture. If you tap it, it opens up an overlay on top of move with the RFID locate screen. No need to toggle to the app or type in the DPCI. It will also ask you to choose which scanner if your device is paired with multiple.

If you hit the back arrow, the overlay disappears and brings you right back to your batch.

our store also has this and it's been such a time saver. they should have also implemented dpci shortcuts to myworks and the target app to streamline as much as possible
So most recent CSC update on the ship today vs ship tomorrow drop issues is the the fix isn't going to happen until the system wide Move 2.0 rollouts, which is "soon" so I'd plan on 1.5-2 weeks of this.

@JohnSith373 we'll see if we run into the issue tomorrow as I did part of the cart in caps on purpose.
The update that brings a button to the RFID automatically in the Move app or do you mean Pack and Ship 2.0?

Looks like my entire district is getting Restock soon. I’m not sure if this is happening to other groups/districts. I hope this gives some hours otherwise we won’t fulfill both SFS and Restock orders on time.
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@JohnSith373 My understanding is Move 2.0, so 6 needed 1 for order A 1 for order B & the RFID tag. Since the issue isn't with orders waving but getting stuck in Manhattan from keying in the cart (Interesting to note only one of the typed in using caps got stuck some of the ones typed in using caps didn't appear to get stuck.) I'm going to assume it's an issue with passing the tables between systems.

My understanding is Pack 2.0 wouldn't come out till 2019, at least as an enhanced store it would reduce our pack stations as not all stations currently have a printer or even network capability and we were told they weren't going to upgrade us or our layout.

I haven't heard anything about Target Restock here, but so far we haven't been under forecast for weeks at this point so I have a little more flexibility with the flex hours. I do have to do a little fuzzy math to calculate our percent to forcast since the reporting has been down.
I am getting a little fed up ...
starting the day , I had 187 dcpi to pick , plus an overwhelming amount of OPU during the day ! I am by myself , and scheduled for 7 hrs ! ( and I have to take a lunch ... if I take my 2 other breaks , I only have 6 hrs ...)
One other TM was scheduled for OPU ( 8 hrs ) but didn’t actually pick anything ! The etl told him to simply push the truck from the prior day !
Our backroom is a mess !!! We are still in a middle of a remodel ...
I stayed past my scheduled time( roughly 90 minutes)
How can I do my job properly in those conditions?
@calimero know how long things should take and what the expectations are and if they are reasonable or not. I don't ask people to do anything I'm not willing to do myself. 187 is a boarderline reasonable expectation in 6 hours, but that shouldn't include OPU, as even the best OPU times are going to be the time it takes to get from the backroom to guest services.
I am getting a little fed up ...
starting the day , I had 187 dcpi to pick , plus an overwhelming amount of OPU during the day ! I am by myself , and scheduled for 7 hrs ! ( and I have to take a lunch ... if I take my 2 other breaks , I only have 6 hrs ...)
One other TM was scheduled for OPU ( 8 hrs ) but didn’t actually pick anything ! The etl told him to simply push the truck from the prior day !
Our backroom is a mess !!! We are still in a middle of a remodel ...
I stayed past my scheduled time( roughly 90 minutes)
How can I do my job properly in those conditions?

Try not to take longer than 30-40 minutes per batch, but since your in a remodel it might take an 40-50 minutes to finish a batch if it’s mostly softlines. If more than 2 OPU drop in an hour and your still at the same amount you started with, ask for support. Tell the LOD you need support with OPU and/or SHIP to make the 2pm pick on-time goal and if they don’t send support, tell them at each hour.
When I’m by yourself, I have a virtual cart with me to do OPU while doing my SHIP batch. Once I finish picking the OPU and it’s not goal-approaching or I’m not near Guest Service, I exit out of the OPU batch and continue to work on your SHIP batch. Once a goal-approaching alert pops up, I bring it to Guest Service or if another OPU drops, I finish the new OPU batch and put both OPU batches in hold. This helps me from walking back and forth but this might not be Best Practice.


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@Kroneru @SnorlaxTM Move doesn't require a cart that's been printed through MYFA so I just give people who do OPU any cart over the ones we've printed. If I can pull it off I have people use their initials, which doesn't work with people whose names start with A or B at most stores.
@SFSFun they just said pick. They aren't going to do 187 pick and pack and OPU in 6 hours. No, that's not a reasonable expectation and they should be able to push back. @calimero

I'd assume the one that they had push the truck was to pack after the truck.

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