^ never had it that bad. My salesfloor pathing is iffy, but your situation seems like an actual error in the system.

And for that one box of crayons, or markers, etc. I always backstock a hundred or so in an A or B waco for easy pulls for opu/ sfs. It really helps.
That is a great idea. Will do it tomorrow.
That is a great idea. Will do it tomorrow.
We set aside things like that on a skid for SFS but don't backstock it into a location so it doesn't show up in pull batches. The flow team has been surprisingly good about setting aside things for us they know we need (crayons, pencils, etc). Works well for my store, at least.
We set aside things like that on a skid for SFS but don't backstock it into a location so it doesn't show up in pull batches. The flow team has been surprisingly good about setting aside things for us they know we need (crayons, pencils, etc). Works well for my store, at least.
So you have almost nothing like that backstocked? Or else wouldn't it take you to the backroom location for the pull?
So you have almost nothing like that backstocked? Or else wouldn't it take you to the backroom location for the pull?
The backroom backstocks some of it, but some is set aside specifically for SFS and isn't backstocked. We mark the skids with what's on them so we can just pull common items from there instead of being accosted by guests in seasonal.
Ugh, I guarantee my store is going to try to dump RTS on the SFS team when this happens because teaching the GSTMs the new system will be "too hard".
Uh can I ask what RTS is? It started appearing in the Move app in my store just this week, but afaik SFS hasn't been touching it and none of my leads told me anything about it either so.... yeah just wondering >_>
also it's exactly the same way as it was on the pda, I assume your GS always has a zebra anyway.
They have a 1 zebra over there for the 2 GS + 1 OPU team members. Most of the people at guest service are not familiar with the zebra other than MyGO so trying to teach Move-RTS is going to be nice. They barely understand how to look up an order on MyGO when it’s not listed on the last name.
also it's exactly the same way as it was on the pda, I assume your GS always has a zebra anyway.
You'd think, but giving SFS responsibilities that have nothing to do with SFS has been the hot thing to do lately at my store (we have to do the evening price changes now and setting the line for some reason).
Likely due to the new system that spreads out orders to everyone a little more evenly. Some stores aren't getting any orders at all but still the payroll.
It was terrible today until about noon, when we suddenly started getting more items to pick. Typically on a Sunday we have almost 8 pallets of packages for UPS. Today we had 2 1/2. Can’t say I really like this. I would think it’s going to be hitting on sales goals?
We had just 20-some packages yesterday, I came in today to two pallets already stacked and had three by the time we were done ;-; We usually have one, maybe 50-60 orders.
We received lower than forecast (700ish/900) but still couldn’t finish it all. Looks like my store isn’t affected by that new Rollover method yet.
We are certainly not seeing a cut back at our store. Forecast this week was 200-250 units a day and we've been more than doubling that. Plus our state wide BTS tax free event starts tomorrow through Sunday so I'm assuming it's only going to get crazier.
At our store we usually have 6+ pallets Monday morning for FedEx. We've been getting hit hard since Sunday. We had 960 units Sunday. I didn't check yesterday but we didn't get done picking and today it got up to 850 in the zebra at one time. We now have 3 morning crew and one night. We switched to become a restock store and volume has picked up significantly. I remember when I started a year ago, we had ups, it was a 1 person job. Barely filled up a flatbed every day. Now it pallet after pallet and takes up too much room in the backroom. Also, the UPS drivers were much nicer. FedEx drivers seem to be grumpy every day.
Being slammed %200 over forecast with no help.. We are rolling about 120 over to tomorrow since between three people picking they dropped as fast as were picking, so we stopped at 1:30 to get what we had packed for UPS..

Our STL? not bothered enough to get us help(our etl is off today).
Flex Orders have gone up and not enough people to cover them. SFS captain is now gone, leaving 2 limited availability and 2 rookies to run SFS. Its sad that the captain didn't really train the rookies. It's also funny that STL and the ETLs sent another TL to run it, who made it known that they didn't like what was going on. BTS is challenging. Can't keep getting remaining BR and SF team to cover.
Today absolutely sucked, I came in at 1:30 to 180ish dpci's that needed picking with a goal time of 2pm. Picked everything by 4:20 with the help of two leads and a hardlines guy, pack goal time is 4:30. UPS came and took just one pallet we'd already done. Me and a guy who came in at 5:00 finished packing at 9:45 lol im so glad i dont work tomorrow
Yeah, we have two veteran FFTMs (one of whom will be going on LOA soon), a TM who is new to SFS but not to Spot who has been improving (who is also going on LOA soon), and me (and I'm not even technically SFS). We desperately need at least two more TMs since we now have an opener + a mid + a mid-close, but they don't want to hire anyone until they'll be seasonal so we can only keep the good ones. Ugh.
my friend and I who both work 40 hrs/week start classes in a month, and I'm pretty sure our usual opener is thinking of quitting sooo I'm really wishin' good luck to my target's FF team lmao they better cross-train more hardlines ppl or get new ones hired soon or else they're t o a s t
Yeah, about that forecast of 450/500...We've been getting 1200 a day since Monday. We're lucky I overfluffed my schedule for the beginning of the week but we're gonna be screwed if this keeps up for the rest of the week. We put 16 pallets of shit on yesterday's trailer lol
Still doing over 300 orders daily for SFS, with minimal help.. And a back room that is a complete shit show..

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