This went away months ago when they began launching the MOVE app. I notifications used to be in the PDA now they are gone. They mentioned the same thing with the stickers.... “coming back soon”
Get for guest did not go away , it moved to the my alerts .
In my store I am the only person scheduled to do SFS even with the high orders we been having lately. Today when I got to work the load was 216, asked for help and did not get none until 11ish. The person that was helping me left early so I had to ask for help again. There has been many days I have left late now and honestly just want to know if there are people who leave at the time their shift is over even if they aren't done packig or picking. It is to the point that I am already tired of asking for help and not getting none. I also do not want to have another 11 hour shift just cause nobody cares about SFS. My husband has told me multiple time "just leave after your shift end, it isnt your job to stay and pack". Anyways sorry for the rant just exhausted of dealing with the same thing over and over again.

We have decided to let orders go not picked, with our shit show of a backroom and truck process the flow team will dump any carts we leave to be packed and take them. Leaving us to go back and try to find those orders. So we pick what we know we can get packed and those fucking orders roll. Our ETL is aware and agrees with how we are dealing with. He knows there are pallets of orders when he leaves but we had to pick where fail and that the safest way to do it.
In my store I am the only person scheduled to do SFS even with the high orders we been having lately. Today when I got to work the load was 216, asked for help and did not get none until 11ish. The person that was helping me left early so I had to ask for help again. There has been many days I have left late now and honestly just want to know if there are people who leave at the time their shift is over even if they aren't done packig or picking. It is to the point that I am already tired of asking for help and not getting none. I also do not want to have another 11 hour shift just cause nobody cares about SFS. My husband has told me multiple time "just leave after your shift end, it isnt your job to stay and pack". Anyways sorry for the rant just exhausted of dealing with the same thing over and over again.
Make sure you keep the LOD informed throughout your shift. Every hour if you have to. Then if you don't want to stay, just call them on your way up front and let them know that you are headed out and there is x amount to be packed by 4:30. That's what I was doing earlier this year when I decided I was going to quit.

I usually stay a little late if I'm nearly done with the packing, but I'm usually scheduled for 40 hours every week so I can't consistently stay late without having lots of time to cut at the end of the week.
Lucky that they let you cut it at the end of the week. I used to love leaving before lunch on Friday, but my store got so strict with it and it got to the point where I would get bitched at for having even 1 minute of projected OT (even though I was scheduled 40). They would insist I take a longer lunch to make up for it (I never did).
Our backroom is pretty small so the days of unload people always block the way to get to my area. 🙄 Our backroom is also pretty bad with remodel going on and then all the BTS stuff. Hmm I have asked many people and I always get the same you need to pick everything yet on my days off the people do not pick everything so it just roll to my day. I feel that if I tell them I was leaving early with 7 carts to pack they would lose their marbles. We never have enough people nor enough my devices -...- people are always begging for my devices.
Make sure you keep the LOD informed throughout your shift. Every hour if you have to. Then if you don't want to stay, just call them on your way

Lucky that they let you cut it at the end of the week. I used to love leaving before lunch on Friday, but my store got so strict with it and it got to the point where I would get bitched at for having even 1 minute of projected OT (even though I was scheduled 40). They would insist I take a longer lunch to make up for it (I never did).
Well my ETL got pissed last friday when I left at 11 cause "nobody told her" yet she saw me working past my 2:30 multiple days. 😒 I already have 28 hours this week and have still days scheduled. But I am done, told my ETL today is my last month.
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Lucky that they let you cut it at the end of the week. I used to love leaving before lunch on Friday, but my store got so strict with it and it got to the point where I would get bitched at for having even 1 minute of projected OT (even though I was scheduled 40). They would insist I take a longer lunch to make up for it (I never did).

They generally seem to prefer people to take longer lunches instead of leaving early, but since SFS has goal times it doesn't really work for me to take a longer lunch, or stuff doesn't get done on time. I usually don't have more than an hour or two to cut anyway, so it's not too difficult to manage. I try to space it out a little at a time over multiple days, but if it's really busy that doesn't always work out. But hey, if they want the work done but they don't want to pay overtime and they don't want to put more people on SFS... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ultimately it ain't my problem, and if there are carts of stuff left to pack at the end of my shift, too bad. They'll find somebody to do it.
I honestly feel you guys pain. When I was still at target the LODs treated me like the Flexible Fulfillment Team Leader. I did it during 4th quarter and afterwards I was back to being a regular team member...
Yet they still treated me like the TL. Whenever we were behind they would fuss at me.... Or I would ask for help and get none
So when we didnt finish I got the blame. I would always have to stay late to finish.... My last week I just couldn't do it anymore... I finally realized I'm stressing over this job and the managers dont even care enough to do anything to fix the problem so why should I care ... I'm not a TL and I definitely wasn't getting TL pay. Honestly once I left the whole fulfillment team left cause they couldn't deal with the bs anymore.

The 4 shift is something we did at our store... we also did 5 hour shifts that way we can bring more team members in and just in case someone calls out we have coverage.
Picks have just been impossible the past 3 weeks, like we'll be forecasted for 320 but getting 800. And when I tell the LOD we need help, I get ignored or told that they trust me to handle it. What the hell does that even mean?? So I've decided each day I'll pick and pack what I can, but beyond that I'm done caring. Since January of this year I have never let a single unit roll over, but lately it's like I'll let 700 roll one day, 1200 another, maybe it will get down to 500 by the time the last TM leaves at 4:30. There's never a day to catch up, plus the truck is falling further behind each day, and the salesfloor is empty. I refuse to stick thru the holidays again, especially since we're getting an SFS expansion soon. I'm so stressed and exhausted from running at 150% every day, so I've decided I'm done.
I've heard rumors flying around that they want to totally stop shipping from the DCs, I wonder if the recent shitshow that SFS has been going through everywhere has anything to do with that.
I've heard rumors flying around that they want to totally stop shipping from the DCs, I wonder if the recent shitshow that SFS has been going through everywhere has anything to do with that.

I've heard the exact same thing, that all .com fulfillment will be done at the store level. I can't even imagine what the upcoming holidays will be like (and my store is TERRIBLE at hiring seasonal flex TMs)
I still think that regular hardliners/softliners should be able to transfer to SFS for the holidays, and the store just hire more seasonal salesfloor TMs instead. They'd already know where everything is, and salesfloor TMs are easier to train. Plus, SFS wouldn't have to deal with the rude "oh, it can't be that hard, you just shop for people all day!" comments.
I've heard rumors flying around that they want to totally stop shipping from the DCs, I wonder if the recent shitshow that SFS has been going through everywhere has anything to do with that.
store already handle around 85% of orders anyway so I don’t see why not.
If you are that stress about work and even dream about work you need a new job! We shouldn't be running around at 150% trying to get everything done and our lods sit in the lead's office like nothing is going. Yup no more.
yesterday one of the front-end leads gave a couple of us a reminder to put Drive-up in the drive up spot, not the Order Pickup spot... telling us.... people who've been here for 10 months (me) and 6 months (coworker).... According to a fellow Flex TM management had people from receiving (I think? they're always near receiving) cross-training in flex/opu so they probably didn't get trained properly or pay attention lol
yesterday one of the front-end leads gave a couple of us a reminder to put Drive-up in the drive up spot, not the Order Pickup spot... telling us.... people who've been here for 10 months (me) and 6 months (coworker).... According to a fellow Flex TM management had people from receiving (I think? they're always near receiving) cross-training in flex/opu so they probably didn't get trained properly or pay attention lol
You guys have assigned spots for drive-up and OPU . We do not which it would be smart! The only problem we had is LODs asking people who never done OPU do them and then they wouldn't put the labels, place them in locations they did not scan, put all orders together and the one I love the most just paused the batch so I had to look for the items the next morning.
Our remodel starts next Wednesday and Thursday.
They plan to tear down the back entire steel where all the vendor soda pallets are located

Guess what. We received 26 pallets today and they haven’t even started to tear down the steel yet. Most of these pallets are new Black Metal desks and low carts with doors. So much stuff that most are out in the parking lot covered by tarps to protect from the rain

I’ll take before and after photos next week.
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Does anyone know what would cause Clearance items to appear in a SFS order? I had two 7.5" Concrete Hanging Planters (084-15-3574 ) appear in one of the batches I picked and both of them had Clearance stickers + I scanned it with myWork and it also came up as being Clearance.
Does anyone know what would cause Clearance items to appear in a SFS order? I had two 7.5" Concrete Hanging Planters (084-15-3574 ) appear in one of the batches I picked and both of them had Clearance stickers + I scanned it with myWork and it also came up as being Clearance.
probably orders that were placed, mere hours before product went clearance, no clue tho, I have often seen this
Yeah, the order dropped into your store before the item was clearanced out. It can still be shipped but make sure you remove the clearance stickers.

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