We are supposed to take items on hold for opus...they are priority. Someone who has already paid for the item vs. someone who might show up for their hold. Ive only had to do it like 3 times in 5 years though so it isnt something to worry about.
If that happened at my store, when Karen came in to pick up her hold it would be a sight to see...🤣🤣🤣
Just curious whats everyones inf rates. Want to compare to my store.
Mind, our inventory is whack right now because no one was doing RFID department scans regularly for...a long time. Or auditing. Oof. This being said, I can get us between 8 and 15% for Ship when I'm there. It kills me to be that high, but if I scan every inch of my store for clothing items and still find nothing shrugs. My small trainee children (I say trainees, but they've all been there a few months, I'm just annoyed at the lot of them) hover it somewhere between 20% and 50%...

OPU is comfortable at 2% to 8% on any given day.
Just curious whats everyones inf rates. Want to compare to my store.
OPU is between 2-6%
SFS for the past month has been up to 25% lol

We did have an outlier OPU day where the DC sent us a mispick that obliterated the score for the day two weeks ago. Guest wanted 16 of an item that we only "had" 16 of, but the box it came off the truck was a box of 2. rip.
OPU hasn't been bad, but SFS has had days upwards of 15-20%. The store basically stopped making departments audit over 4th quarter and we are paying for it now. I'm not even in Flex anymore and I still check on their scores and my team all day.
I had an order the other day that ordered five items, I had to INF all 5. I was
Softlines is our highest as well. The ones who have been in ship for over a year are 23% or lower so we look everywhere. Yet we get blamed for inf

Under 23%. Lol. I'd fucking hope so. My SD'd have my fucking head on a spike if I came near 23%. A bad shift is 8-12%, a good shift is 3-5%.
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I had an order the other day that ordered five items, I had to INF all 5. I was

Under 23%. Lol. I'd fucking hope so. My SD'd have my fucking head on a spike if I came near 23%. A bad shift is 8-12%, a good shift is 3-5%.
Im not looking to be scolded im looking for suggestions and advice to get it down.
Any item that you can’t find of course ask the dbo of that area, check to see when it was last delivered, use rfid is possible, check with leader and most importantly do an audit to update the counts so you don’t continue to get orders for the same item. But if you’re at 23% consistently the dbo aren’t doing their job properly.
Im not looking to be scolded im looking for suggestions and advice to get it down.

Certainly not scolding you, I don't think you're the issue, but if 23% is a concern then something in your store is screwed up royally. Something that isn't related to flex.
Time spent picking in Greenfield is reported as impossibly high. For example, if I'm on the clock for 7 hours one day, Greenfield will report that I spent 10-11 hours picking. That's impossible. This causes the UPH to be calculated much lower than it actually is. It's a broken metric.

It's counter productive to wait unless you are just trying to play to the metric. There can never be a guarantee of how many loops around the store need to be done as there is always the possibility that an item isn't where it should be on the floor and you'll need to loop back around to see if it's unlocated in the back. If you are waiting 10 minutes for another order to drop, that's 10 minutes less that you have to look for things before INFing. Quite often the difference between being green and not being green is properly managing time to maximize how long you have to look for things, not just on your current batch but also on orders dropping in while you are working on the current batch. In that regard, it's always better to start picking as soon as possible after an order drops even if it's only one item.
Thats true I guess but we get low volumes of opu and we task our Fulfillemt TMs with other tasks throughout the store to support GM team
Certainly not scolding you, I don't think you're the issue, but if 23% is a concern then something in your store is screwed up royally. Something that isn't related to flex.

Our store is fucked. We have departments that just don't do shit.. You know it's bad when they are doing a walk and they walk the backroom and wonder aloud to each other not knowing I was a couple valley's over looking for a pick item that "Why are all these coats and infants still back here? that should have been all forced out weeks ago." That is what is wrong with our store.. There were not just store leadership, this was all district people.. Our STL was mortified, you could tell by how fucking on a tear she has been for the last week over it..
There's still plenty of snow gear in our backroom right now...along with a host of other things that should be out on the floor. Like men's valentines clothing, and C9.

In related news showcasing our store's disaster status, I did some grocery 2 pulls for price change today in between OPUs...92 tasks, 300 eaches...95% salvage. Meaning it all sat in our backroom for months, some of it never even tied to a location. At least our local donation people will be happy.
ERRGGG, nothing irks me more that Style backstock that should've been pushed out eons ago! So much hanging, why? A couple of weeks ago when I was pulling 1 4 1s I found a bunch of Infants salvage, then a few days later some RTW, and just a couple of days ago I pulled some mens basics salvage that was not even located. Every time I go back there I see stuff hanging that I know can easily fit on the floor. If I have the time I will grab a handful and put it out.

In our BR Style processing area, there was a box stuffed behind some fixtures full of family pajamas - seriously, WTF? No wonder I couldn't find them when I did my price changes. Also found another box with stuff from different areas in it, including stuff that wasn't even Softlines. Clothes that fell behind shelves or fixtures, clothes tossed on top of racks, dirty and wrinkled, old Christmas decor that went salvage - this stuff costs money and it's treated like it doesn't even matter. No attention to detail, these people.
Damn, I was hoping the softlines (sorry, Style) area in most BRs was getting better, not worse, in the last 8 months.

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