1800+ on a forecast of 163 lol. Apparently Target learned Math at the Toilet Paper and Paper Towels Mathematical institute 😂

All jokes aside we’re beyond desperately low on supplies. No 438s, handful of 126s from another store, only a few bundles of 454s, last roll of air pillows, less than a quarter of a roll of prep tape, no more hex paper, and no more bubble wrap. So glad I don’t go back until Monday.. tomorrow we’re supposed to do over 2000 lol 😭
Over 4000 today. How is everyone else doing?

Walked into 250 OPU's and two of us picked for two hours and at our first breaks we were at 270. We got some help but we had to build racks in the conference room again. All of our tiny guest service hold space is now drive up and any extra space is now for regular pick up orders. I do love our PML, she asked if we needed racks, we didn't have to call her.. She build five of them for us.
Very similar to what we were looking at. We are saving boxes from the trucks to use too (good thing we saved cages)!
Yeah I’m out of 370s, 310s, 280s, 278s, and air pillows lol don’t see any other boxes besides 438 in the steel either or any bubble wrap
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Walked into 250 OPU's and two of us picked for two hours and at our first breaks we were at 270. We got some help but we had to build racks in the conference room again. All of our tiny guest service hold space is now drive up and any extra space is now for regular pick up orders. I do love our PML, she asked if we needed racks, we didn't have to call her.. She build five of them for us.
We were lucky, we're an old Super that has never been remodeled and we had an empty space up front that was the old photo studio and on the other side of that wall next to guest service, the photo dept that went out not too long ago. Both were repurposed to house OPU at the beginning of 4th quarter and it's worked so well! Pml actually built a wall in front of the studio section to hide it so now we can actually hide flats with OPU furniture and stuff on it.
Walked into 250 OPU's and two of us picked for two hours and at our first breaks we were at 270. We got some help but we had to build racks in the conference room again. All of our tiny guest service hold space is now drive up and any extra space is now for regular pick up orders. I do love our PML, she asked if we needed racks, we didn't have to call her.. She build five of them for us.

We just stole some z-racks from inbounds and put them in the cafe. We're hanging OPU bags on hooks on them. We'd otherwise be completely out of space. Ran out of other space at 5:30 this morning. But, style isn't getting much frieght so it should be okay.
Forecasted at 525, left at 2700 or so. No SFS, nobody called in extra. Just the normal people plus the TL and ETL for most of the day. 100% on time. Most everyone left by 8. Then all the orders that dropped before 6 started hitting goals and we're red for the day. 🙁
We are on unlimited OT and pulling people from every department. We found a groove though. 2 preppers, one scanning out, one sorting then putting orders into wacos on metros and uboats. Then multiple packers, and a person who moves boxes to pallets. We also rolled our prep stations out to ease congestion.

Godspeed everybody! We can do this.
So Ship is apparently adding overnights to the schedule now (at least in my area) to try and make a dent in the overwhelming orders we've been getting.

I went on unpaid LOA for my family's health 2 weeks ago, but just got enticed back with the promise of an empty store and doing what I love for 8 hours a night a few days a week.
My store is adding 4am shifts its xmas all over
My schedule for two weeks out has me coming in at 4am for OPU.

My store started 4am for OPU a month ago. It lasted a week because our primary picker, me, doesn't like going in that early. We're at 5 now on truck days. 6 when we don't have a truck because our TLs have kids and don't want to come in to just unlock the door for me. We'll see what happens with the new overnight directives.
We were lucky, we're an old Super that has never been remodeled and we had an empty space up front that was the old photo studio and on the other side of that wall next to guest service, the photo dept that went out not too long ago. Both were repurposed to house OPU at the beginning of 4th quarter and it's worked so well! Pml actually built a wall in front of the studio section to hide it so now we can actually hide flats with OPU furniture and stuff on it.

We would love that any asks for building some space for extra large holds, which are now stacking up since everyone is ordering their patio shit has been shot down flat by upper management. So we just stack up in the main stock room and put huge bright signs on it that it's OPU holds and some of the GM people still stack their trash/backstock/shit they don't want to deal with on our holds. So messes get made.

Seasonaldude - love that café idea, if it wasn't opposite side of the store from GS I would suggest it, hell I would use the Sbux that is dark right now but we don't have people to watch it since it is open space right next to a door. We are super short of offstage space. We have been remodeled so many times that we have had off stage space stolen to the point there just isn't any without really big surgery to reconfigure the store or blowing out walls. Which was done once from lore I am told.
We had more items picked for OPU by noon today than our highest daily total for Q4 and there were over 500 hundred pending. It's gotten to the point where if you're scheduled for style or beauty, you'll be in flexes all day.
I texted my ETL to see how things were going and she asked if I could come in at 2am tomorrow as a favor. I said the best I could do was 4am, no reply yet. I didn't get home until after midnight last night, and I'm off today so I slept in. It's just not feasible for me to get to bed early enough to get the required amount of sleep to go in that early. I have asthma, they know this. I haven't asked to go out on leave, and I worked OT all week. I can't allow myself to get run down or I'm at even greater risk of getting sick. I know they are slammed, but I need to protect myself too.

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