We're told to write the dpci down and have the lod research it and/or zero out the count.
We're told to write the dpci down and have the lod research it and/or zero out the count.
I hope they are not doing it right as soon as you cancel it...Because that will do absolutely nothing.
I hope they are not doing it right as soon as you cancel it...Because that will do absolutely nothing.

Anyone encountered errors/glitches? 2 days ago I have a batch with 22 items and then it ended when I only picked 2 items (1 DPCI). Rather than putting it in the pack station, I exited out and went to the batch again. This time it showed the other DPCI (18 items). The problem now is it didn't print out the collate for those 18 items. It's still tied into the cart but you can still use the cart (since normally we can't use the cart until we emptied/pulled it).

Another one was yesterday when a rush order dropped after 11am. UPS already picked up our orders around 2pm (order dropped around 230pm). The problem was the collate that printed. When I tried scanning the collate so I can start packing, it doesn't recognize it even though it's the same DPCI. What I did was use the Container Inquiry in the PDA. It said it was cancelled. I then accessed the dashboard and the container# doesn't match the one in the collate that printed so I have to print out the right collate manually.

The first collate was a cancelled order where the guest ordered a diaper and a baby clothing. Now the guest cancelled the diaper. The collate still showed the baby clothing and not the diaper. Now when I went to the dashboard, the container # in the computer didn't match the # on the collate so I have to reprint it, which worked.
The first one, we have encountered something similar several times. It tells you to pick 8 of an item but only wants to put 2 into the cart location. Sometimes no collate prints, sometimes it does but it's only for the 2 items it wanted put into hold. One time we called CSC and they forced the collates to print, another time they said it was fulfilled by other locations.

The second situation I've read and reread and I'm not understanding what steps you went through, but I don't believe we have ever had an item removed from an order after picking.

We can't even use Manhattan right now because IE updated to a new version and it is hopelessly incompatible with the site. None of the graphics or menus display correctly, so it is just plain text on a white background all over the place.
I'm sure we've had these problems too but I haven't had any time at all to actually check because we're close to a day behind now lolol
We can't even use Manhattan right now because IE updated to a new version and it is hopelessly incompatible with the site. None of the graphics or menus display correctly, so it is just plain text on a white background all over the place.
Fixed this issue by adding it to "compatibility mode."

Just go to the site, click on the gear on the top right on the IE window, and go to "compatibility mode" (compatibility something...). Add target.com to the list and it is good to go.

Not sure if this screws up the display of workbench and eHR...and I don't really care if it does.
So I placed an order on target.com recently and it was fulfilled by my store. I have alerts setup through UPS that will send me an email if they have a delivery scheduled to my address.

Interestingly enough, when I got the UPS alert, it told me the package was coming from T-XXXX Target Home Delivery (where XXXX is my store number). I had been told from the beginning that guests would never know if an order is coming from a store or the online fulfillment warehouse, but this obviously disproves that. The step-by-step tracking on ups.com was also a bit of a giveaway (origin scan and destination scan both had the same timestamp).

It would be nice if they kept the truth about the package origin a bit more hidden...The last thing we need is guests coming in, picking out items, and demanding we slap a label on it and ship it to them. Or coming in to complain that they didn't like the color of the assortment item they received. Or complaining about the packing or number of boxes their order came in., etc.


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Interesting, because yeah, guests thinking its coming from the regular distribution center IS kinda the point. I'd try ordering something again, but the last time I did, the order literally got routed to somewhere in the midwest. (I also checked to see if we had the item in stock in our store too lol)
We're starting soon and I'm a bit cloudy on something still: Scanning the pick carts into location. I know they're the given barcodes that say PACK 01 on them, but where did you guys put them? Only place I can see is behind the desk on a wall. The left side is where the poly mailer carts are and the right is where the carrier hold pallets are. Between that and the empty carts/flat, there's not a lot of room.

Also, am I right in assuming that confirming packing is done through the PDA? All this scanning in and out and it doesn't actually sit in location seems weird but if that's the case then whatever.

edit: Also, to those that do it often, what do you find you run out of most? I'm worried about how quickly some of the materials might run out given it could be 12-14 days before I see a new order come in.
>Scanning the pick carts into location; where did you guys put them?

We were designated a steel location in Receiving. It was an uphill battle between us and vendors who refused to respect that spot is now ours but it has gotten better. Ask your ETL Log/Operations to secure you guys a spot somewhere.

>Also, am I right in assuming that confirming packing is done through the PDA? All this scanning in and out and it doesn't actually sit in location seems weird but if that's the case then whatever.

If you're referring to the "Stage Package" button, then yes, all orders once processed are auto-staged in the system. Keep in mind once you've packed an order you have exactly 1 hour to make and changes. Such as reprinting/splitting collates.

>Also, to those that do it often, what do you find you run out of most?

For us I have noticed they are the 320 Polymer bags (and the smallest Polymer though I forgot the number) and 126/413/439 Boxes. Secondarily I'd say the 280 Boxes.
Man, take nothing from vendors. We own the space, they do not. They should be grateful I offered them the space I did.

I've done a fair share of reading, I'm just anxious about going through the process with all the bosses around. I wish we had done some practice before getting into it but it shouldn't be too difficult either way.

Thanks for the info.
I did my SFS training this week, I'm being put in charge of supply ordering. It's kind of worrying to me, but I'm sure it'll be ok...

I love SFS though, I'm pretty excited about it.
Scanning the pick carts into location. I know they're the given barcodes that say PACK 01 on them, but where did you guys put them?
We printed out like 10 of them and just put them everywhere lol. On the steel, on the desk, on the walls, etc.

Also, am I right in assuming that confirming packing is done through the PDA? All this scanning in and out and it doesn't actually sit in location seems weird but if that's the case then whatever.
Yes packing is as straightforward as picking. You go into Pack Container in the PDA, scan the bottom barcode on the shipping label, and it will tell you which location to scan (the different sections of the carts ARE the locations the items sit in). Once you scan the cart location it asks for, you scan the item(s) in the order. If you scan an item that is not part of the order, it will alert you.

Also, to those that do it often, what do you find you run out of most?
Whenever we place an order, we pretty much always need 439s, 280s, 278s, and bubble wrap. You will easily go 6+ months without needing to order 126s and 413s because they have over 1000 boxes per pallet.
You guys haven't used the 454 boxes yet?

Like they mentioned above, 439, 280, and 278 are the ones we use the most. 277 is the one we don't use that much, probably one pallet will last a month depending on the volume of your store.
You guys haven't used the 454 boxes yet?

Like they mentioned above, 439, 280, and 278 are the ones we use the most. 277 is the one we don't use that much, probably one pallet will last a month depending on the volume of your store.
Yeah we use the 454s but it's hard to say exactly how much since some TMs refused to use them until we got the updated box size poster. They pretty much just offset how many 280s we order.

277 lasts for months...comes in a pallet of 204 boxes and we use 0-5 per day.
Couple questions:

1. When I'm scanning an item out of the cart to be packed it will often come up as invalid item even though it's clearly the right one. This happens multiple times a day. I can just type in the DPCI and it works but still, does this happen to others?

2. Do you use one prep bag per article of clothing? What about a two piece swimsuit?

3. Are polymailers only for clothing? What about the three pack baby onesies or maybe towels or other soft, unbreakable items?

4. IPads have lithium batteries, right? Nothing printed on the collate to indicate they needed a sticker. (I put one on anyway)
Couple questions:

1. When I'm scanning an item out of the cart to be packed it will often come up as invalid item even though it's clearly the right one. This happens multiple times a day. I can just type in the DPCI and it works but still, does this happen to others?

2. Do you use one prep bag per article of clothing? What about a two piece swimsuit?

3. Are polymailers only for clothing? What about the three pack baby onesies or maybe towels or other soft, unbreakable items?

4. IPads have lithium batteries, right? Nothing printed on the collate to indicate they needed a sticker. (I put one on anyway)

1. Every so often it happens to us and like you we simply type in the DPCI.

2. Personally I use a prep per piece of clothing unless they are bound together by those plastic ties or 3-5 tier baby hangers.

3. I use them for any softline items, towels, and until recently chem/hba/cosm items that needed the lids tapped and wrapped in plastic. Wasn't until after a visit we were given the proper chem bags.

1. When I'm scanning an item out of the cart to be packed it will often come up as invalid item even though it's clearly the right one. This happens multiple times a day. I can just type in the DPCI and it works but still, does this happen to others?
Yep, happens all the time (often with books and movies). I search it in item search before typing it in just to make sure the picker didn't fuck up or in case it came from a mispick casepack.

2. Do you use one prep bag per article of clothing? What about a two piece swimsuit?
I put multiple items per prep bag. It's quicker, saves supplies, and looks just as neat.

3. Are polymailers only for clothing? What about the three pack baby onesies or maybe towels or other soft, unbreakable items?
I use them for anything that is soft and won't break or rip the bag in transit. So softlines, towels, bed sheets, blankets.

Apparently the training store in our district puts toilet paper and paper towels in the huge bags...I can't understand how they could possibly think that's a good idea.

4. IPads have lithium batteries, right? Nothing printed on the collate to indicate they needed a sticker. (I put one on anyway)
We have been shipping iPads and laptops since the beginning but we just got the stickers a few months ago. We don't plan to use them until we see that little code on the collate.
Yeah we use the 454s but it's hard to say exactly how much since some TMs refused to use them until we got the updated box size poster. They pretty much just offset how many 280s we order.

277 lasts for months...comes in a pallet of 204 boxes and we use 0-5 per day.

You guys actually use the poster? When we took off the old poster from the table, we haven't taped the new one yet on the table.

I'm wondering what's the thin white strip with the Target logo is used for. We got the lithium stickers. I didn't know about it being in the collate but I still,use them.

I use the poster to size up everything! Smaller box means less air pillows and less work.

I think you are describing the gripper tape. Comes in 6 inch and 12 inch rolls, used for taping liquids shut before sealing in an ESIM bag. And the battery stickers are supposed to be used when there is an LI in a little box on the collate right next to the box size.

Instructions for both of those are on workbench. Getting things like that communicated to us TMs has been difficult so I just check RedWire every morning and print out anything relevant.
ETL Log shared with me that our store's order limit will increase from 50 to 200 some time soon. Additionally it's speculated that 2-3 new work stations will be built in the near future.

But this is Target and communication is meh so I'm taking it with a grain of salt...

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