Answered Flexing - No Location Items

May 24, 2020
Hey guys,
I've recently been given the task to organize grocery 1 in the backroom and it has been going really well. But I've been finding A TON of no location products in the back. Some leaders have told me that it's best to flex it out somewhere and print a new label for it and others have told me to salvage the items. What would be the best thing to do?
At my store, if it's an NOP item that has a future POG, then it gets backstocked.

If it doesn't have a POG assigned, we've been defecting stuff out, for the most part, because we don't have the time to deal with managing a bunch of stuff that shouldn't be in the store. However, if it's a few of something and you have an endcap or a spot on a focus point or whatever that makes sense and you can throw a label out, go for it.

ETA: Another caveat, COVID edition: With freight being unpredictable and sometimes we're getting brands in that we don't normally due to demand, especially for grocery, if it's the type of item that sells and you have an empty spot to put it, go for it, but ask your leaders first. At my store we'll have big empty spaces for a long time until we get a shitton of product in to fill it, and it would suck if it were already full of something else.
And I would be able to check go see when the product on the empty shelf will be arriving by using the chatbot, correct? Or is there a more efficient way?
We have soooo much pasta in the back. It's crazy. And they only ask for 3 facing..
If it doesn't have a POG assigned, we've been defecting stuff out, for the most part, because we don't have the time to deal with managing a bunch of stuff that shouldn't be in the store..

To add, check the delivery date. If it's very recent hold off on defecting it out as some POGs will not show up if it's 2+ weeks out from set date.

We've been using our extra towers for a lot of our discontinued/no loc stuff.

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