Archived Flow TL

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Mar 30, 2012
Can any flow tl that runs a green workcenter please pm me? I am new to log and need some insight.
From another thread:
Master one area at a time. You can't shit rainbows all the time. But regardless of store volume, that's a lot of responsibility for a single TL in terms of metrics.

Master the flow process, then focus on location accuracy, then in stocks should be easy if those other two areas are green. Hopefully your ETL plays an active role in leading these areas. I had 4 TLs for flow and back room, 1 TL for instocks, and 1 TL for dayside back room. With all that help I still played an active role in keeping our metrics green. I stepped in to push, pull, or run reports when needed. Since you are a one man/woman band - your ETL needs to be present.

Last edited: May 19, 2015
From another thread:
I would give TMs extra tasks to see if they can handle it. For example, I would create captains for certain areas and challenge them to meet their goals. Some I would have run the entire flow process for a floor. I'd show them metrics, why we do things certain ways (Best Practices), shadow a TL, and work multiple areas (Flow, BR, Food process). I'd give them a situation and ask them what they would do. You could tell who had leadership abilities and who needed a little more development. I was blessed with some motivated individuals who should have been at least a TL to start, if not an ETL.

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