Archived funniest moments at work?

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DMNDZ bruhh

Former Backroom Dayside
Apr 13, 2012
anyone have any memorable or hilarious moments at work? i got a few moments where i ended up crying for laughing so hard...

me and my buddy were backstocking in the freezer during the presh truck, and we were messing around by trying to slide across the frozen floor...

well my buddy slid a little to hard and crashed right into a green rack, eating $hit and knocking a bunch of stuff off of it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

i was laughing about it the rest of the day
I didn't witness this, but I wish I had. Apparently back before I started working as a PA, our now-gone PA and two TL's decided to play a prank on the other PA. They cleaned out the space underneath the meat scale in the ambient room and one of them got inside, and when she was standing there trying to weigh meat, he reached out and grabbed her leg. Apparently the other TL tried to get in one of the trash cans but couldn't fit; I'm not surprised because he's like 7ft tall, lol.

Apparently this was all caught on cell phone camera. I would PAY to see it. If they did that to me I'd probably hate them but I would love to see when they did it to someone else, haha.

Oh, and back when I was working at FA, one of the TM's got inside the retarder and freaked the poop out of our ETL-GE. Again, would have paid to see that, lol.
I was training a newbie at SB on how to fill a whipped cream dispenser when he squeezed the trigger while tightening the top.
It was runny because it hadn't been shaken enough so a stream went right over his shoulder & hit our TL square in the chest of his apron. He looked down & sighed "...and I JUST washed this...."
A buddy and I were in receiving working on restacking some pallets. We were out of wrap so we used the pallet bands. Myself on one side of the pallet and him on the other as we pulled the band to get it around the pallet, of course it snaps and thankfully went his direction and got him in the family jewels. We were both on the floor, me dying from laughter and him just in pain.
A buddy and I were in receiving working on restacking some pallets. We were out of wrap so we used the pallet bands. Myself on one side of the pallet and him on the other as we pulled the band to get it around the pallet, of course it snaps and thankfully went his direction and got him in the family jewels. We were both on the floor, me dying from laughter and him just in pain.

we used to get pallet bands and snap them on each others backs lmao that $hit is so funny
A buddy and I were in receiving working on restacking some pallets. We were out of wrap so we used the pallet bands. Myself on one side of the pallet and him on the other as we pulled the band to get it around the pallet, of course it snaps and thankfully went his direction and got him in the family jewels. We were both on the floor, me dying from laughter and him just in pain.

My family jewels hurt just reading that! LMAO
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