Archived GAWKER Reports on Target HQ Mentality

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I remember when these were originally posted.
Pretty sure they've been discussed but I couldn't tell you in which thread.
I knew our master archivist would know where they were.
Thanks @Hardlinesmaster

As to being from Gawker, sometimes they pull their heads out of their butts long enough to do some solid work.
Stop laughing... it does happen.
Good on them for this article.

Fuck them for what they did with the Coke ad campaign.
I think it was published last April or May of last year, TSs just reposted it with typical ham-fisted aplomb.
TSs is the Alex Jones of this website; for some reason, he's allowed to speak, even though everything he says is crazy.

He has a strong point of view but it's not necessarily crazy.
As long as he stays in the rules of the site he has the same rights as everyone else.
It's a tough balance sometimes but often he provides valuable information, single mindedness has a great deal of value in certain circumstances.

While I understand the temptation to use the ignore function, there are times when that might be a mistake.
As someone who is required to read every single post, there are plenty of people who I don't necessarily agree with but I often get value from.
He has a strong point of view but it's not necessarily crazy.
As long as he stays in the rules of the site he has the same rights as everyone else.
It's a tough balance sometimes but often he provides valuable information, single mindedness has a great deal of value in certain circumstances.

While I understand the temptation to use the ignore function, there are times when that might be a mistake.
As someone who is required to read every single post, there are plenty of people who I don't necessarily agree with but I often get value from.
A broken clock will be correct twice a day

I just don't see the point of this thread though. It's from May of 2014 what's the point of bringing this up

One benefit of revisiting a article from May 2014 is to see whether HQ has actually addressed any of the mentioned issues or whether they are still doing the same old things.

Does corporate have ANY desire to make changes that will benefit their workers if it means taking any money out of their own pockets? Why would they when they are doing so well & might lose their own cushy jobs if they did?
One benefit of revisiting a article from May 2014 is to see whether HQ has actually addressed any of the mentioned issues or whether they are still doing the same old things.

Does corporate have ANY desire to make changes that will benefit their workers if it means taking any money out of their own pockets? Why would they when they are doing so well & might lose their own cushy jobs if they did?

That's a fair benefit, but if we were going to see if they'd have addressed it, it'd be nice to see a section in his post like "so here's what's changed" idk
That's a fair benefit, but if we were going to see if they'd have addressed it, it'd be nice to see a section in his post like "so here's what's changed" idk

I highly doubt anything will change until the economy gets healthy enough that employees have better options than working at Target as it is being run now.
So where do etl's over 28 go?
What happens to STL's after 18 months?
Where do either of them go to get jobs? What kind of jobs do they get? Do they make an equivalent amount of money?

So in reality TL's run the store or do they have to move on also after a certain time frame?
So where do etl's over 28 go?
What happens to STL's after 18 months?
Where do either of them go to get jobs? What kind of jobs do they get? Do they make an equivalent amount of money?

So in reality TL's run the store or do they have to move on also after a certain time frame?

Well there's that. I mean my current STL has to be at least 40, same for the previous STL.

TBH, I think the whole ETL-rotation is stupid
What actually happens when a team member complains to the hotline about an ETL? does the complaint go into the ETL's file and they get red flagged? Does the DM tattle to the ETL HR who tells the ETL or if it's the HR ETL herself who is being complained about does the DM tattle about who it was and tell them to get rid of that team member?
I had not read the articles last year so they were new to me.

The complaints not so new.
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