Gen X-Target vs Gen Z-Target


Former Team Member
Jun 17, 2011
What are the differences seen of Target back in the day to Target today...

From what I have observed, Men's merchandise has gotten too trendy and limited in selection.

Back in the day
Cherokee, Missimo, Utility... and other brands
Available extended sizes - Can't find much past XL

The look...
Neon lights were styling

The foods...
Food Ave was considered a dining establishment
Market Pantry/Archer Farm food brands

you could knock someone out with an LRT or the brick walkie

The DOS POS - Fun times

I will say the carts now are bit easier to handle.
Yes!!! We had pagers when I started and NO walkies. The cashier had to page us to call their lane number for a price check.

We also had to type in the dpci into a printer thing in the stockroom and it printed out a ticket of where the item was backstocked.
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How come Physical Science (I think thats what it was called) never took off. I got a couple pieces of rugid clothing and a computer bag. Then poof...gone.
We had a seating area in our food avenue and mom's with small kids would sometimes throw Target birthday parties at the store.

At nighttime no sales floor staff could leave after closing until the whole store was re-shopped and zoned. So if you worked in style (softlines) and your area was finished then you might be assigned to HBA or somewhere else to help that dept to finish zoning. When you finished there, you might be sent somewhere else until everywhere looked, not perfect but "on brand".
We had a seating area in our food avenue and mom's with small kids would sometimes throw Target birthday parties at the store.

At nighttime no sales floor staff could leave after closing until the whole store was re-shopped and zoned. So if you worked in style (softlines) and your area was finished then you might be assigned to HBA or somewhere else to help that dept to finish zoning. When you finished there, you might be sent somewhere else until everywhere looked, not perfect but "on brand".

It was ALWAYS go help HBA and then softlines, which for the most part was the hardlines TMs pretending to help softlines reshop.
At nighttime no sales floor staff could leave after closing until the whole store was re-shopped and zoned. So if you worked in style (softlines) and your area was finished then you might be assigned to HBA or somewhere else to help that dept to finish zoning. When you finished there, you might be sent somewhere else until everywhere looked, not perfect but "on brand".
Don't know how long ago this was, but I think this was still being done when I first started. So great to come into a neat store, looking put together and not a mess. Now, reshop is not always but often a pretty big pile first thing (yesterday's was horrendous) and the store is never, ever all zoned. Well, other than when we do inventory prep. Some areas will usually look better than others, but most of my store is kind of a mess the last month or so.
Those Food Ave bacon cheeseburgers were delicious. Also that cranberry walnut salad, I miss it all the time.
Don't think I ever had one of those burgers, but yes that salad with chicken, cranberries, and walnuts was the best. Sometimes the bread was a big soggy, but I didn't care because the salad part was so great. I'd forgotten about that ... might need to make some for myself!
My "childhood" Target had neon everything up until 2022. I was but a little kid in the early 2000s, but I'll never forget how good the popcorn was and what I called the "french fry" floor in softlines. SO much better than the "let's make everything grey" vision that spot has now
Oh yeah, popcorn and icees were my treats my mom gave me when we went to Target as kids.

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