Archived Getting coached Off the clock

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Well, you're gonna be real busy fucking all the corporations that don't allow superiors to fraternize.

Sorry but I think it is perfectly fine to "fraternize" (I call it socializing, but you can demonize it however you'd like) with superiors outside of work, provided that the outside socializing isn't affecting the work relationship. And in my co-worker and I's case, it didn't. We both followed Target rules and she never had to coach me about anything, especially considering we were different departments. Let me be clear I would probably not socialize with 99% of the TLs/ETLs I worked with because they had sticks in their asses off duty too. But if I meet a cool person at work who I like, I'm going to "fraternize" with them all I want. And if I'm at a bar at 2am with said person then I very much doubt anyone who can write us up is going to find out about it. On the off-chance that an ETL just happens to be at the same bar as us at the same exact time, and they decide to be a busybody, then again, I'll just go ahead and cue the laughing fit because that whole situation is ridiculous no matter how you try to frame it.

@Retail Girl makes a good point about TLs working over their own relatives. This was *rampant* at our store. We had a softlines TL with a daughter softlines TM. A GSTL with a daughter who was a cashier. Both backroom TLs had siblings working in the backroom. No one even batted an eyelash. Yet it's not okay for me to have drinks with a TL who isn't even related to me?
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