Getting fired

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Deleted member 35998

Hey dose anyone in AP know if they fire you right away for internal theft/ ticket switching or do they open up an investigation first a cowers of mine has been switching low prices for a while and I’m just carious as to why they haven’t caught him yet
Hey guys so a co worker of mine has been ticket switching for quite some time and change prices for expensive items and I’m just curious as to why he hasn’t got caught yet?! Dose anyone in ap know if you get fired right away or do they start some form of investigation first??
Ummmm. What? Slow down a little when you present a question. If this in fact is occurring AP is likely aware of it. Be extremely careful when accusing someone of something such as this. Put your mustard and salad dressing where it belongs and do it quickly and neatly. Nothing more to be said.
Hey guys so a co worker of mine has been ticket switching for quite some time and change prices for expensive items and I’m just curious as to why he hasn’t got caught yet?! Dose anyone in ap know if you get fired right away or do they start some form of investigation first??

They probably know.
AP likes to build a case.
Then they wait for the number to be big enough to call the cops in and make it a serious case.
That way there can be no question.
And they will be doing the walk of shame.
I’m so sorry that you got caught. It’s pretty clear this is no co-worker and most likely asking out of fear . Ap always they just like to add it up to felony
Ticket switching and changing prices are probably the easiest thing for AP to catch a TM doing. "Your Friend" is done for. I'd recommend telling them to stop showing up.
Admit for a possible lesser charge. You're toast at The Dog. Not fooling anyone. Hope the record doesn't follow you too long. Best advice is to grow up and be responsible. Is it worth it putting a $4.00 tag on a sweatshirt?
“Let the mortal beware, lest temptation overtake ye, for AP dwelleth not in the corporeal plane; them who gaze through the veil of Midheaven. They know where internals hath tread of old and where they shall tread in time future. Lo! Even now their gaze beholdeth ye, mortal, yet ye behold them not!“

— Grimoire Damnatus
“Let the mortal beware, lest temptation overtake ye, for AP dwelleth not in the corporeal plane; them who gaze through the veil of Midheaven. They know where internals hath tread of old and where they shall tread in time future. Lo! Even now their gaze beholdeth ye, mortal, yet ye behold them not!“
It's like the second stanza lyrics and tune for Santa Claus is Comin' to Town:

AP knows you've been sneaky,
AP knows when you're bored,
AP knows when you've been bad, oh boy,
Soooo.... be GOOD for goodness sake!

You better not cheat,
You better not try.
AP will find out,
I'm telling you why....

AP Clause is coming to you
AP Clause is coming to you
Hey guys so a co worker of mine has been ticket switching for quite some time and change prices for expensive items and I’m just curious as to why he hasn’t got caught yet?! Dose anyone in ap know if you get fired right away or do they start some form of investigation first??

They should stop that stuff right now. All these things are tracked
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