Getting the TL Job

Feb 23, 2020
I've been interested in becoming a TL for a while. I'm looking to relocate now, but I pretty much wouldn't be able to afford moving if I couldn't get the pay raise that a TL position would give. I've applied to a few different openings I've found and I haven't heard anything back, yet, but seeing as it's only been going on a week, I'm not stressing too hard yet. I've had previous management experience, but it was in a Starbucks and I'm not sure if they would pass me over for not having the experience they would like.

The thing is, all I ever see is how hard it is to be promoted/get a TL job unless you know people or they hand-pick you for the position specifically. Is this true? Have you guys experienced being passed over/waiting a long time to get an opportunity? Should I talk to my HR supervisor to see what they would suggest for me, or is that a bad idea?

I really love my store and my managers. It's not that I really want to leave this specific store, I just have to move and I very much want to stay with the company.
How long it takes to get promoted, or if you can get promoted at all, depends on your leadership. In my experience, those who are chosen for promotion by leadership get a lot farther a lot faster than those who go to leadership seeking to promote. ASANTS, but as dog eat dog as Spot can be, most store leaders wouldn’t want to promote and invest the time and effort (minimal though they may be) training a new TL who they knew was planning to transfer. Good luck!
Moving up while being a current team member is usually more of a process than just finding available leadership positions through other stores and applying externally, that’s probably why you’re not getting any bites. Please talk to your store’s leadership (SD, ETL-HR, the ETL of your department) and let them know that you are interested in pursuing a TL position, so that they can help you take the appropriate steps.
Passed Over - Plenty of times.

Its typical for a store to hire a TM for a TL position from within its own store TL bench. The only time a store will hire from other stores or externally is not enough interest or not qualified.

There is a process for getting on the TL bench. But you must talk to your leadership. First let them know of your interest in a TL position. 2. Get their feedback on your performance 3. Set goals to show them what you can succeed with 4. Ask for extra duties.

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