Archived Getting Weekends Off..

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The most common phrase I hear from others in the retail industry usually goes along the lines of: "Tuesday and Wednesday is my weekend."

If you're okay with 2 consecutive weekdays off, I'd maybe shoot for that... It's a little more doable for team members. Like everyone else has said, other than a few random weekends off, you're basically guaranteed to work weekends.
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I've been in hospitality so long that I actually prefer having my days off during the week. On weekends the doctor's office is closed, the mall is crowded, the supermarket is a zoo and it's nearly impossible to get stuff done. When I got hired it was with the agreement that I would not be working Tuesdays. Considering I work part time I think that's more than reasonable for work-life balance.

Now, getting every weekend off? Bwahahahahahahahaha!
I've been in hospitality so long that I actually prefer having my days off during the week. On weekends the doctor's office is closed, the mall is crowded, the supermarket is a zoo and it's nearly impossible to get stuff done. When I got hired it was with the agreement that I would not be working Tuesdays. Considering I work part time I think that's more than reasonable for work-life balance.

Now, getting every weekend off? Bwahahahahahahahaha!

Exactly! When I rotated weekends as a GSA, I loved having an off-day during the week. It gave me time to grocery shop, make runs to the bank, and other errands to places that aren't open (or are ridiculously busy) on weekends. I had a full-time M-F job for the few months that i was away from target. It was super nice to have weekends off (even though I usually ended up working saturdays anyways) but having a day off during the week is beyond wonderful
At my store, Merch Brands (me) and above got rotating weekends (so every weekend, either the area's TL or its MB was in) until we declared bankruptcy - obviously now, everyone's just in a soup of random hours everywhere. I never cared about getting the actual weekend, but I think when they consciously schedule you for 2 (or even 3!) disconnected days off, that's just thoughtless at best... no time to do anything, go anywhere, it's just hours-off-work instead of hours-for-yourself. Sometimes, I think it's malicious (close, day off, open).
I get Friday night and Saturdays off. but that took a lot string pulling and not taking advantage of anything.
we only come in weekends if its a shitstorm and our small team didnt get to 98% for the week (last week and the blasted cosmetics for example, 3 people over there, really???), but even then its optional overtime

Kinda liking my store a bit more now lol
For several years I ( I am a backroom team member) was on a set rotation...where I was off every other weekend. Which, all in all wasn't that bad. Now, its pot luck. I was off this past weekend...after having working at least part of the previous 5 weekends. So, its pretty much a toss up. You can ask for weekends off...I have done that before as well...I would ask for at least one off a month. I would like to think that after 18 years...I could at least be off every other weekend...silly me for thinking
I'll probably leave for the winter season if I can't get Sundayts off to watch NFL later this year. Gotta enjoy something in life!
I too work every single weekend. It works well for me because it gets me more hours, and my distinct lack of a social life means it gets me out of the house and off the computer. If you're in a specialty team or a more "static/small" team, you might try to work something out with the rest of the team and your TL, that Susie Q gets every third Sunday off while John D gets every second, etc. Not an official in the system request but a de facto way of scheduling.
Working at Target definitely sucks if you are a football fan. The other sports have more adaptable schedules for Target workers. Baseball, basketball, and hockey have night games and late night games so it helps a little.
I have never had a Saturday or Sunday scheduled off since I started, which was nearly a year ago. The only time I got either of those days off was when I requested it or swapped a shift with someone.
When I started, I was early morning BR. Two of us had the same schedule as the log ETL and 2 were the same as the flow Sr TL. We did not have a BRTL. It was every other weekend and one non truck day off. For some reason they don't do that anymore.
I hate football season at target. We're always forced to watch football on Sundays, Mondays... And Thursday's? Oh and ncaa football on Saturdays. Idc about Rutgers and idc about watching all the games from teams idc about (my team is rarely on tv here) so I hate working football days.
I hate football season at target. We're always forced to watch football on Sundays, Mondays... And Thursday's? Oh and ncaa football on Saturdays. Idc about Rutgers and idc about watching all the games from teams idc about (my team is rarely on tv here) so I hate working football days.
At my store, it's NASCAR and baseball. Good luck getting the remote to change it from those things if they're on.
I hate football season at target. We're always forced to watch football on Sundays, Mondays... And Thursday's? Oh and ncaa football on Saturdays. Idc about Rutgers and idc about watching all the games from teams idc about (my team is rarely on tv here) so I hate working football days.
At my store, it's NASCAR and baseball. Good luck getting the remote to change it from those things if they're on.

At my store, it's football or hockey with the occasional basketball game. Before I got hired, it was Jersey Shore.
In the South, hockey is the sport that Canadians play. It's all about football but that's how the South rolls.

In the break room, the tv is either on USA or GSN. And can you guess what is on usually? Family Feud, Law and Order Nasty Pervert Unit, or NCIS: the show that old people watch on CBS but USA shows it at least 5 times a day.
I hate football season at target. We're always forced to watch football on Sundays, Mondays... And Thursday's? Oh and ncaa football on Saturdays. Idc about Rutgers and idc about watching all the games from teams idc about (my team is rarely on tv here) so I hate working football days.

Give us Sundays off and your problem will be solved 😀
In my workcenter, I have just enough of us to have my team on rotating weekends. My team is a lot happier, once we were staffed enough to do it. All but my full time students and 2nd jobber are full time (30+). I told them, as long as they bust their asses, I will do my best to do this for them. Vacations are the exception to the rule.
It hurts your hours (thus your pay), but they have to give you the day off if it's for religious reasons. Your best bet is to go the religious route for one of those days and just give them 4 hours availability at a weird time to confuse the system. I find that 5-9 or 6-10 works best since the system they use wants either day shifters or closers. But you will be scheduled every now and again for those four hours, so choose carefully.
i think it depends on your work center and who schedules you. i get every other weekend off and on the weekends i do work it's usually either saturday or sunday but rarely both.
i think it depends on your work center and who schedules you. i get every other weekend off and on the weekends i do work it's usually either saturday or sunday but rarely both.

I wanna work at your store! You work 2 weekend days a month??
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