Archived Going Dry

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So my lab is still going but is scheduled to go dry next week....We ran out of both 4x6 papers 4 days ago!! Our stl brought two rolls of basic from our sister store but that's already gone. People are getting pissed and there's not really anything we can do about it. Way to go corporate, just another of the many bone headed moves made in the last 5 or so years. Bleck
My store recently switched form 4"x8" greeting cards to 4"x6", but we don't have 4"x6" envelopes for them. Can we order these, or are we stuck with 4"x8" envelopes?
Well, 4x8 greeting cards come out of the 8810 printer, that also does the 8x10 pics. Do you have one of those?

4x6 GCs shouldn't be enabled... I would call Kodak and let them know what's going on.
I believe we do. We definitely have a machine in our dry lab that does 8x10s, I'm just not sure of the model number.

Do any Target stores do 4x6 greeting cards? Also, can I just go into the settings on the kiosk and fix it, or do I really need to call Kodak?
I ended up turning on 4x6 GCs during the holidays because I would usually run out of the 4x8/8x10 supplies. You can change the kiosk settings yourself, but they reset to default after a week.
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