Archived Goodbye Spot?

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Welcome back, Dog. And I agree with Sprinkles' suggestion to add just a bit of part time at Spot to supplement the other full time with bennies job.
It's easy to glamorize the past when you're no longer experiencing the daily drama that came with it.

You're absolutely right Red. Despite the drama though, I liked the fast-paced work and the people. I knew tms from all departments and there was always someone to stop and chat with for a second throughout the day.
And I asked to stay weekends only before I left but was told no due to stuff going on at the time (basically opening up my mouth although I do feel it was warranted) because leadership said they had to be "fair" and wouldn't work around a second job. At the time I wasn't sure I could give them an afternoon/night or two during the week, but I think I could swing it now. The problem is salesfloor at my store is expected to stay until whenever. If my shift ended at 11 or 11:30 and I could go home then and sleep for my day job ok but I've had to stay as late as 2am on a closing shift. I need to be at my day job at 8am so that wouldn't fly.
Hi. Good to see you again. I think that there have been loads of changes in the last few months. Among them is not spending so much payroll when guests aren't in the store (ie after close). I'm sure your store would love to have you back. I say, it can't hurt to speak with someone in the store. I would also suggest trying to work just a few shifts per week to see how it feels.
Stay. Away.From.Spot. It is not the same store and many of the people may not be there. As corporate begins to realize the magnitude of its modernization folly all store environments will become difficult and toxic. You have insurance? Hours? Why would you leave that? Meant kindly.
Stay. Away.From.Spot. It is not the same store and many of the people may not be there...You have insurance? Hours? Why would you leave that? Meant kindly.

The same people are still there (minus a select few). I saw for myself recently and keep in touch with fellow tms. And yeah I have insurance and hours but I really prefer to be busy when I’m working. I don’t know about you, but for me the shifts would fly by at Spot. I prefer that to watching time tick slowly by.
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