Archived Goodbye Vibe Wall

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Never understood why people are so bitter about TM of the Month/Great Team Hero, but then realized their Supervisors can probably pick up on their bitterness and that's probably why they never got it.

I did get it once in almost 5 years, but I had to work my ass off.
I would like to recognize ETL whatstheirface for doing their job and oh looking cleaning up that spill. Gee how that needs recognition. I would like to recognize the backroom team for doing their job description and getting those cafs done on time. Way to go team. You cards for all.

Sorry forgot what the sarcasm font is.
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The reason there were so many useless Vibe cards is that we were required to write them. I had to write five every shift. Do you have any idea how many actual cards should have been written? Maybe two a week. But I wrote my quota every shift. It's hard to be original on the 25th card of the week when you only have ten people in your work center.

And honestly, "You were on time again today!" was one of the more sincere ones I wrote. hahahaha

My favorite? "Thanks for not pissing off our guests today like you usually do." The STL was not amused but everyone else was, until she took it down.
sounds like an excuse for ETLs to play favorites! I work so hard and I am sure they will never give it to me.

That's all it is. It should be called "Favorite of the month" instead.

My leaders are going to be pissed when they find out that one if their faves just got a new job...I can't wait until they find out! That girl's getting a card from me simply because pissing off leadership deserves one.
The reason there were so many useless Vibe cards is that we were required to write them. I had to write five every shift. Do you have any idea how many actual cards should have been written? Maybe two a week. But I wrote my quota every shift. It's hard to be original on the 25th card of the week when you only have ten people in your work center.

And honestly, "You were on time again today!" was one of the more sincere ones I wrote. hahahaha

My favorite? "Thanks for not pissing off our guests today like you usually do." The STL was not amused but everyone else was, until she took it down.
yea one of our CAs always writes "good job" I found any excuse to write a vibe card even if it was total bullshit.

That's all it is. It should be called "Favorite of the month" instead.

My leaders are going to be pissed when they find out that one if their faves just got a new job...I can't wait until they find out! That girl's getting a card from me simply because pissing off leadership deserves one.
Do people even get anything for being named worker of the month? or is it just hype? ugh...
There should also be a "shame" board in which you can shame other team members.
Hubby has suggested I write passive aggressive cards. Example: tl walks past you struggling to lift s box that's not mashed team lift. Card: ttotl-Thanks for taking the extra minute out of your super busy schedule to help me out with that heavy box, working safe is a priority for us all.

Only you and that person would know it's sarcastic...
We had this one backroom TM that would write literally anybody who touched a box a vibe card. Using the names Joe and Bob in an example...

Team Lift.

There were, I shit you not, at least 20 cards on the wall just like that. I think 4 of them were to the same person.

Other than that one guy, my store was pretty good about cards. People that went out of their way to help out or really kicked ass got them from time to time.
Accusations of sucking up, sleeping with leadership, and childlike jealousy from other team members.

Eh, some of these are pretty accurate, though...Knew of at least 2 girls who were sleeping with the same Executive back before Black Friday. Guess who got the premium shifts for those days?
This vibe card shit reminds me of when I worked offshore. We were required to find at least 3 (they wanted 5) safety violations per shift and write up a mini-report to turn in at the post shift meetings we had every day. It went something like this...

1) Safety Hazard - "I saw Joe Blow on deck with no hearing protection."
2) What Did You Do - "I asked JB to wear earplugs."
3) What Was The Result - "JB wore earplugs."

We'd fill them out (faking it) in the last hour of our shift.

Silly shit... stupid shit... Tool
Accusations of sucking up, sleeping with leadership, and childlike jealousy from other team members.
yea... sounds about right. even the most corky cashier has won. somehow she is sucking up. ;)
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