Archived Greeters

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My stores did this during busy weekends in fourth quarter but it was never an every day sort of thing.
If they are going to spend payroll to have someone stand around and help guests, they might as well station the TMs in Market, Toys, and other high volume departments. And if it's slow, they can just zone.

Edit: I just came up with an awesome name for this position! They should call it "Salesfloor TM"
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This is strange, very strange... considering 2-3 years ago we used to have a "redcard table" which would greet guests and urge them to sign up for redcards (which was successful btw, brought in at least 10 extra redcards per day) and it'd be cashiers and they'd just stand there for a period of time, and then rotate, and they'd have to greet every. single. guest. and ask them to sign up for the redcard, as well as answer any questions...

Well, one month, we had a corporate visit, and the red card table ceased to exist to say the least, RIP that STL. Quite odd they're essentially bringing it back...
My store had greeters for fourth quarter one year - around 2010 or 2011 I think. We did it in rotation - everyone on the floor did their half-hour according to a schedule the HRTM wrote up. You got called over the walkie and had to drop what you were doing and go up. Just one more hated time-waster that kept us from getting our main jobs done.
Yup, our store is doing this too. It's under cashier hours though.
I don't think its the brand ambassador i think they function on the floor. Also there are now the Digital Advisers which are now a thing and being pushed heavily by HQ, I believe they will be scheduled to help the guest.
This. So much this. A good ca can make your day so much easier it's not funny. They're versatile, and can do really anything you need.

I spent the better part of a year at my store trying to change the culture of "ca is a bottom tier job" They didn't even call them by their names over the walkie.

If you train and take care of your strong ca, there's a million little things they will do, and at the end of the day, it saves you an immeasurable amount of time and stress.

I HATE when I hear people call for the CA's without their name. If we need each other, and we know who is where, we use names. But somehow it's still "okay" to just act like the CA's don't exist. 🙁
I HATE when I hear people call for the CA's without their name. If we need each other, and we know who is where, we use names. But somehow it's still "okay" to just act like the CA's don't exist. 🙁

I am guilty of this, only because I never know who is there until they answer. Same with the GSTL, but when I get an answer I do address them by name. I can tell you there is NO malice in it.
I am guilty of this, only because I never know who is there until they answer. Same with the GSTL, but when I get an answer I do address them by name. I can tell you there is NO malice in it.

And I get that. Everyone will call out things like, "TM in blue world" and the such until they find out who's over there. My problem isn't so much with that as it is when someone knows, say, John is the CA and they still just say CA over the walkie. It's just rude, honestly.
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