Archived Greeting and few questions from new member

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Nov 3, 2012
Hi everybody,

I am new to this forum and new to Target too. I just got hired as seasonal Sale Floor Team Member.

I am going through the training but still have little idea of what exactly I have to do.
I got cashier training for cashier back-up. My cashier trainer was with me that whole shift and tell me clearly what I need to do so I got it easily.
Then got training on pulling out things from the back to stock them on the sale floor. Now the trainer seems to be busy and told me to bring out stuffs to put on the floor and then left. So I pulled out everything I need to and took me the whole shift to finish it as it's all over everywhere from toys to home care, electronics,and never saw my trainer back.
So my question is what exactly I would have to do everyday?Please can you tell me in details? Such as:
-what I need to do when I just start my shift ( zoning? re-shop?pulling)
-will I have to work around the whole store or just in one department?
-how to find out item that custumer wants me to located but I don't know where it is?

Thank you and appreciate all your helps
Greetings and salutations, sorry have to let folks with a little more time answer your questions.
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