Had to clean up a shelf where I found a used baby wipe encrusted with clumps of fecal matter today, which a guest so considerately decided to leave by the baby formula. No, I'm not an LOD. Yes, I told the LOD (our STL, of all people) and she replied that she didn't know what I expected her to do about it, asked if there were gloves handy, and then never replied again. So I put on the gloves, grabbed my handy dandy can of spray disinfectant, and took care of the situation, because there was no way I was going to leave poop on the shelf in my zone. (I used to babysit full time, so I'm not unfamiliar with handling baby poop... I just usually get paid better to handle it.) That was a lovely adventure, and you could say my relationship with my STL is pretty crappy right now.