Archived Guest Service Staffing

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Feb 18, 2016
How is staffing for GS in your store? In ours, we have one opener and one closer. We have been so busy these past couple months that we could easily have an extra person in the afternoon. Often we are calling for backup where we need to pull someone from the checklanes or have an TL to help us out.
One opener, one closer. Nobody dedicated to OPU and the GSA/GSTL spends a lot of time backing up there.
We have one dedicated opener/closer but several are trained and can be pulled from the lanes if it gets too hectic.
We have an opener...someone for returns, someone for online orders...sometimes a mid, and a closer...
I remember the everyday opening hours at my last store with the only open register was at Guest Service until 10-1030am. If it got desperate, the opeing GSTM would jump on the lanes. The GSTL would man GS. ETL would stay close to the lanes.
My old store was a high volume and we were required to have a dedicated OPU person during peak hours in addition to our regular service desk team.

My current store has IGS so we have an opener and closer.
Thanks, everyone. It's just been crazy and we need dedicated help and we are not getting the support we need from the TL's. Sending up someone temporarily is not cutting it when shortly after they leave we need to call for backup again.
We have one opener and closer on weekdays, one opener and two closers on Friday's, and two openers two closers on weekends.

Also since our CO is mostly staffed by GSA's or Service Desk TM's, a lot of them are scheduled for "Cashier" after their CO shift and will just run around between covering GSTL breaks, helping at the lanes, service desk, etc.
One opener one closers.. we used to have a mid but that was shut down right after I started. This year for the holidays we'd have an extra body and someone doing online exclusively.
We used to have just One opener and one closer, now since OPU came along it is 2 openers, 2 mid, 2 closers. Sometimes 3 closers I dont know why?
@HRZone, that makes me kinda happy to know you have IGS at your store too. So you *know* how different it can be from regular GS.

It's amazing how in three transactions you can go from ringing up someone with 200 bucks of stuff. Facing a return with esim then having to find a ship to store order. IGS is no joke. It's actually a skill on mytime like team lead, key carrier, cake decorator.
My store wins.....walked by GS yesterday and had to do a double-take. The CA was working GS, yellow vest, shorts, and all! Went back on break to do a return and he was off 4 hours later and you guessed it, still there! 😛
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