Archived guest guidelines

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It does. I just don't think the dissatisfied guests are commenting like they used to. I don't see them on my store much, but if I switch to our district and read the district comments, then I can usually find a couple of dissatisfied comments.
My LOD just showed me the memo coming down about pushing the surveys. Must be new people at corporate, so we have to go back to doing it the other way again and bug everyone. Blah. It also did say on it that stores are not to use in store devices or TM devices to have guests fill out the survey in store.
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Our overall store score this past week was un-fucking-believable. 89.95. So close.

On a side note, does looking at guest comments on MyPerformance not show the dissatisfied comments anymore?? I haven't seen them.
Haven't looked in a couple weeks, but they were there when I did. Along with three about me but that didn't mention my name. Argh.
We've got a posted note up at guest services that talks about the guest surveys.
The note offers ideas on how to ask guests to take the survey...and they mention things to avoid thing they clearly say is that we should avoid telling the guests about the $1500 prize that they might win.

OK.....the one thing I use for incentive is to tell them they might win an instant $25 gift card....and then let them know that they have the chance for the big drawing.......I'm wondering what we're to do now? My best approach to the survey is to tell them about their possible, who's going to want to do a survey?

If they do not want us to tell about the monthly drawing, then why have the drawing?

I don't get it.....

On Saturday our STL told us that this memo was incorrect...said it was "mis-communication" by the company.... and we should just disregard it. So, the memo has been removed.
Our STL said that if a cashier is mentioned by name in the comments, then that cashier will get special recognition.
My LOD just showed me the memo coming down about pushing the surveys. Must be new people at corporate, so we have to go back to doing it the other way again and bug everyone. Blah. It also did say on it that stores are not to use in store devices or TM devices to have guests fill out the survey in store.

Interesting. We had a TM using her phone to take guest surveys all weekend long (including Monday). I guess my store hasn't gotten that memo yet. I did tell my GSTL when she asked me once before that I will not use my device for work-related functions unless they're going to pay part of my bill (I don't care that I'm connected to the store wifi).
Unless Target is directly paying for me to have a work cell phone, I'm sure as hell not gonna let guests use my personal phone.
At one point, my store was letting guests do the survey on the GS iPad. We had a contest to see who was mentioned on surveys or got the most comment cards in a week. Well, every day was a new winner. I won twice lol. But in that week period it was a million times easier to get surveys because they didn't have to remember to do it when they got home. We're too busy lately and only have one service desk TM at a time so that idea wouldn't work now.

I still get guests who are really happy with my help but I stopped mentioning the surveys because even if they wanna do it for me, the chances of them remembering to do it when they get home are slim to none. I have McDonald's and dunkin receipts in my purse right now and haven't done the surveys yet... And they give free burgers and doughnuts!
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