Haven't looked in a couple weeks, but they were there when I did. Along with three about me but that didn't mention my name. Argh.Our overall store score this past week was un-fucking-believable. 89.95. So close.
On a side note, does looking at guest comments on MyPerformance not show the dissatisfied comments anymore?? I haven't seen them.
We've got a posted note up at guest services that talks about the guest surveys.
The note offers ideas on how to ask guests to take the survey...and they mention things to avoid asking....one thing they clearly say is that we should avoid telling the guests about the $1500 prize that they might win.
OK.....the one thing I use for incentive is to tell them they might win an instant $25 gift card....and then let them know that they have the chance for the big drawing.......I'm wondering what we're to do now? My best approach to the survey is to tell them about their possible wins.......so, who's going to want to do a survey?
If they do not want us to tell about the monthly drawing, then why have the drawing?
I don't get it.....
I used to do this too, when my scores took a slight dip. Great minds think alike!Whenever our scores dip, I ask my favorite morning regulars to "help a workin' gal out" & presto!
We're back in the green. 😀
I assume a comment about a cashier being a total dick, crushing bread, and swearing would not count?Our STL said that if a cashier is mentioned by name in the comments, then that cashier will get special recognition.
Oh, they'll get special recognition alright...I assume a comment about a cashier being a total dick, crushing bread, and swearing would not count?
Double secret recognitionOh, they'll get special recognition alright...
My LOD just showed me the memo coming down about pushing the surveys. Must be new people at corporate, so we have to go back to doing it the other way again and bug everyone. Blah. It also did say on it that stores are not to use in store devices or TM devices to have guests fill out the survey in store.