Archived Gun Holsters

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find a fresh pda holster and snag it for yourself, my ETL said i can keep a holster, and thats better because i can take care of it and i know others wouldnt destroy it
At my store, we're supposed to wear a holster for best practice; for LPDA's a holster is necessary. A few of the veteran BR tm's at my store like to hide the holsters they use somewhere.

The PDAs we use make one of two sounds when using the RF apps, one of which sounds really lame and annoying. I didn't know the sound files could be changed...
I wonder if you could do the same thing and make them sound like a gunpowder gun, that would keep the guests away.
I'm in a right-to-carry state (state of confusion) so our guests wouldn't bat an eye if they heard it.
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