Archived Hardline Radio chat phrases

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Me: I need all BR certified TMs to help with CAFs.
Me: *call out people by name that I know can pull*
LOD: Why can't you finish them by yourself?
Me: Check RWT and get back to me.

Me: "LOD, 12 o'clock pull time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. Could I get some help with those, please?"
LOD: "I don't have anyone to help you; everyone is up at the lanes."
Me: "..... okay ....."

*21 departments roll over into the 1s*
My favorite is one I accidentally introduced into our particular lingo.

I was half asleep on my second week after getting hired this August, during an opening on Hardlines and got a Code 1.

GSTL: "Code 1 to the front lanes, code 1 backup"
Myself: "This is Gulfcoast, on my way from C block. What lane?"
GSTL: "Gonna need you to get on 7 for me."
Myself: "That was lane 7, 7, clean copy."

Everyone was wondering what in gods name I had said, but apparently it's caught on. I caught our latest batch of 90's responding to Code 1s/Backups with Clean Copy, and got a good laugh out of it.

Myself, my CTL and our AP have introduced some NATO phonetic alphabet stuff into the mix, which has actually cleared up a lot of radio confusion, mercifully. You get a lot of casual "Charlie" and "Echo" block calls, though calls for "Golf" Block have caused some hilarious issues.
I've noticed that the walkie practices at my new store are so much worse than my last store...

First store...

"Can someone please get that call button? "

"Copy that call button."

"Can I get backup to the front lanes?"

"Copy backup."

At my new store someone asks for backup or help with a call button and it's this long winded thing about how they'll be there momentarily.

Also, they don't put the backroom on a dedicated channel (my first store backroom was on 2), so there's the added chatter of "backroom come in" (on channel one), "go for backroom" only to tell them to go to channel 2 anyway. it's ridiculous and I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have backroom on 2.
At least they respond at your stores. Our latest batch of hires apparently weren't taught to use their walkies because they don't. respond. to. anything.

Also, they don't put the backroom on a dedicated channel (my first store backroom was on 2), so there's the added chatter of "backroom come in" (on channel one), "go for backroom" only to tell them to go to channel 2 anyway. it's ridiculous and I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have backroom on 2.

At my store, backroom is on channel 3. We use 2 and 4 as privacy channels.
"is there an available team member to take a toys call on 2280, toys call, 2280."
"can anyone get that toys call?"
"yeah, i'll grab it, give me a minute to get off this electronics call."

a lot of days nobody gives a fuck.
my GSTL's have cried wolf too many times so we know not to run up there because by the time we get there, there's no line. good thing about having lots of new seasonals is that they always respond ;D
We do "Code Pink" and whatever aisle to signal other team members of a hottie in the store

Gross. I hope that never happens at my store, or I'll have to be an asshole.
There are to many things wrong with this for me to even try to list. I've got 2 questions though. This is 2014, isn't it? Are these adults we are talking about?
Code Pink for an attractive female in viewing distance to announce to other TMs .. Actually got that from an ETL at my old store who would call it out when he was the only closer haha. Younger guy in his 20s, would call them out to me and others fairly often. He is no longer with the company.

Other "unofficial" codes I've heard...

Code Brown. Fecal matter in the restroom and/or fitting room that needs to be cleaned. "Cart attendant, can you respond to a code brown in the men's room?"

Code Yellow. Urine in the in the restroom and/or fitting room that needs to be cleaned. "LOD, there is a code yellow in the fitting room that needs to be cleaned."

Code Maxi. Angry woman. "Hey GSA, we have a code maxi make their way to service desk."
"Code Maxie"?!?!!! I can't even...
Code Pink for an attractive female in viewing distance to announce to other TMs .. Actually got that from an ETL at my old store who would call it out when he was the only closer haha. Younger guy in his 20s, would call them out to me and others fairly often. He is no longer with the company.
"He is no longer with the company." GOOD!!!!!
Someone, please hand me a drink!
Why is everyone so mad? You have to find the simple things to pass the time or give you enjoyment while working in retail. One of the perks of working retail is you get to see all of the train wrecks, all of the attractive people, all the weirdos of the world and get paid for it. You can only complain about having to do reshop or zone oh so much. If a pretty young (legal) thing walks in a low cut tank top in the middle of summer nothing wrong with looking!
Back during my first stint at Target, there was a TL who would call out that he was going to the White Stockroom. He was talking about the restroom. I laughed every time (I'm very mature).
Back during my first stint at Target, there was a TL who would call out that he was going to the White Stockroom. He was talking about the restroom. I laughed every time (I'm very mature).
In our store if we're in the restroom we just say we're in the fixture room... they're next door to each other and the fixture room is a shit show anyway!
Why is everyone so mad? You have to find the simple things to pass the time or give you enjoyment while working in retail. One of the perks of working retail is you get to see all of the train wrecks, all of the attractive people, all the weirdos of the world and get paid for it. You can only complain about having to do reshop or zone oh so much. If a pretty young (legal) thing walks in a low cut tank top in the middle of summer nothing wrong with looking!

Some see it as misogynism or even sexual harassment and it's really not professional.
Why is everyone so mad? You have to find the simple things to pass the time or give you enjoyment while working in retail. One of the perks of working retail is you get to see all of the train wrecks, all of the attractive people, all the weirdos of the world and get paid for it. You can only complain about having to do reshop or zone oh so much. If a pretty young (legal) thing walks in a low cut tank top in the middle of summer nothing wrong with looking!

Some see it as misogynism or even sexual harassment and it's really not professional.

That's how I see it. When I'm on the sales floor, I'm usually in softlines; and, since I'm a guy, I have to stay super professional in order to keep the women who are shopping from getting uncomfortable.. Otherwise I'm the GSA or Service Desk, so I usually have to answer difficult questions and it's easier for guests to accept your answer if you seem like you have some professional dignity.

I just think that as retail workers our integrity, intelligence, income, and jobs get bashed enough by themselves.. We don't need to give the general public another reason to look down on the retail industry.
My store tends to be very casual when we're not dealing with serious stuff:

"Code Vomit in E34" You can probably guess what that means.

"Electronics boat leaving a playstation game with a guest"
"Xbox console leaving a guest with an electronics boat."

AP Loves me for that 🙂

"Can anyone cover my break in electronics?"
*dead silence for five minutes*
"Can anyone please cover my break in electronics?"
*dead silence*

This x1000. The LOD or an ETL usually has to get involved to get someone to cover my breaks.
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"Electronics boat leaving a playstation game with a guest"
"Xbox console leaving a guest with an electronics boat."

AP Loves me for that 🙂

We used to have an Electronics Specialist (back when that was a thing) who always called out stuff like that. We (the AP team) appreciated it. We started thanking him for the heads up over the radio, and other Electronics TMs began doing the same thing. Positive feedback FTW!
When I worked restaurants,the chefs and wait staff had codes for good looking customers but that was 20 years ago and everyone was on a different level.
Restaurants, at least the ones I worked in, can be pretty rowdy places, when you get in the kitchen.

Retail, on the other hand especially on the floor, has to have a level of professionalism that includes nonsexist behavior especially in this day and age.
I enjoy looking at a beautiful woman as much as any guy but I sure as hell won't get on the walkie and call her out like a red card.
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