Archived Hardly any training?

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Maybe you Can help me @HardlinesGuy I'm still having trouble figuring out the numbers where things go on the shelf is there a pic or something explaining that too? I thought I had it but then the numbers in parentheses threw me off and I'm all confused again. I've gotten lucky with there being more on the shelf so I see where they go so far.
Maybe you Can help me @HardlinesGuy I'm still having trouble figuring out the numbers where things go on the shelf is there a pic or something explaining that too? I thought I had it but then the numbers in parentheses threw me off and I'm all confused again. I've gotten lucky with there being more on the shelf so I see where they go so far.
Take a look at pic, again. It covers that it. There could be multi pogs in the aisle. On brackets, (99)is a side cap, (0) is an endcap & (1) or higher is an aisle.
I hope that helps.
how to fold towels

When a bunch of hardlines trainees were dumped on me one night, I showed them how to fold the towels and we wave zoned the towel aisles. I felt like I was teaching a class because they were all minors.

when in doubt use LOC.

Wow, I forgot LOC existed. Were you trained in the days before WebApps (i.e. Item Search)?

Of course, I was also being supervised by a trainer who thought it was very amusing to keep pushing me to line up everything even with the diamonds - over and over again.

Target doesn't sell diamonds!

W4 is an aisle? Super Target or something? We only have A-G and X outside of softlines. Softlines locations only go up to O as well as far as I can recall in my store.

Sounds like the store whose ETL-Log created that image was either a Super or an older prototype. But as HLM suggested, it could be Food Ave or something.
The diamonds are why stuff keeps falling and shattering at my store lol a few guests took out a bunch of stuff the other night because stuff was too close to the edge and their carts slammed it enough to knock it down
As cart attendant I always see guest service line backed up and sometimes I go over to help out.
But because no one trained me for it, half the time I ask the GS TM, whose already helping out a guest, help me with a transaction and that kind of defeats the purpose of doing backup.
I don't mind the embarrassment but it does make the store look unprofessional so now I usually don't bother which I'm sure the GS TMs secretly hate me for.
As cart attendant I always see guest service line backed up and sometimes I go over to help out.
But because no one trained me for it, half the time I ask the GS TM, whose already helping out a guest, help me with a transaction and that kind of defeats the purpose of doing backup.
I don't mind the embarrassment but it does make the store look unprofessional so now I usually don't bother which I'm sure the GS TMs secretly hate me for.

omfg is your avatar from wonder showzen
Oh, it looks exactly like Chauncey from Wonder Showzen lol. *awkwardly exits*
As cart attendant I always see guest service line backed up and sometimes I go over to help out.
But because no one trained me for it, half the time I ask the GS TM, whose already helping out a guest, help me with a transaction and that kind of defeats the purpose of doing backup.
I don't mind the embarrassment but it does make the store look unprofessional so now I usually don't bother which I'm sure the GS TMs secretly hate me for.

Yeah that's how we all felt at different times because we act as a middle man just asking someone else for the guests basically.
When the call box rings to the phone, that means either there is a guest waiting to talk to someone or s kid playing with the phone. When you hear the operator lady voice when you answer the phone, hit zero to actually talk to the guest. Then you can either answer their question or tell them you will send over a tm.

I've been with Spot for over 2 years and nobody has ever told me that. In fact, I'm pretty sure that nobody at my store even knows about that. I'll start hitting 0 and hope that the guest is smart enough to pick up the phone. I know that if I walked by one of those phones and it started to ring, I wouldn't know what to think. I've never heard one before. Thanks so much for this info!
It doesn't ring...the guest is actually already standing there holding the phone to their ear. That or a kid is playing with it.
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