Archived Hardship money?

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If you've been here long enough, you'd recognize HLM's syntax/style in posting.
Enough already.
I've been here a while. I lurked on the old site. Still, I never like people butchering the english language.

Hardlinesmaster said:
My deleted text was,'"spread the word."
Yeah, you've said that twice now.

I know what your deleted post was, what I don't know is WHY you actually deleted it. Do you understand?
You've 'never liked people butchering the english language'? Seriously? This is a blog, not the Harvard review. Plenty of folks on here 'butcher' the english language. Why are you taking issue with HLM's posting all of a sudden? Were you similarly offended by Jin's postings before she was termed?
And anyone here can delete their own posts for their own reasons. Must we now ask your permission before we delete our own posts?!
Thanks for bumping this. On the conditional job offer paperwork, it mentioned LifeResources and I was wondering what that was.
You've 'never liked people butchering the english language'? Seriously? This is a blog, not the Harvard review. Plenty of folks on here 'butcher' the english language. Why are you taking issue with HLM's posting all of a sudden? Were you similarly offended by Jin's postings before she was termed?
And anyone here can delete their own posts for their own reasons. Must we now ask your permission before we delete our own posts?!
Ugh, whatever. You remind me of why I started posting less and less on internet forums in the last few years. Take issue over something with one poster, get another jumping in defending him, trying to turn the argument and questions around on me, etc., blah blah.

I can do the same. Why are you taking issue with me taking issue!? Anyone can take issue for their own reasons! Must we now ask your permission before we take issues with other posters!? Explanation mark! Question mark? Calm down, it's only the internet.

Hardlinesmaster, post however the hell you like, but sometimes because of your "syntax"/grammatical layout of your posts, I find it hard to understand your posts. Then some of the stuff you do, like deleting your posts after someone simply asking you why did you make that post, I find confusing.
HLM is my friend, syntax & all.
You badgered him for deleting his own post, even after he gave a simple enough reason. Then you belittled his posting style.
Yeah, it's only the internet but he's my friend & I defend my friends.
Got a problem reading his post? Skip over 'em.
All right people, let's keep this on task according to the OP. You're all being (somewhat)civil and we appreciate that, but if you need to, take the discussion about forum etiquette versus proper English to it's own thread in the "Off The Clock Chatter" area.
Thanks for bumping this. On the conditional job offer paperwork, it mentioned LifeResources and I was wondering what that was.
me too actually.

My best friend was just recently diagnosed with Testicular cancer and it's been really hard on me. He got 500 dollars from target and I was really curious and to what that was all about.
I'm glad he got it. he really needed it.

But THANKS to Hardlines Master, his bumping of this thread, taught me what this whole thing is was and how team members could get it.

So much thanks to HLM
I don't know what it's called exactly but a worker from my store received $500 from Target because he lost his home during the forclosure mess and was evicted from his then-current living arrangement. You could not get this money from your store, you had to apply some other way & they would let you know if you qualify. Anyways, a friend at work was asking about it & I have no idea at all. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Yes, this is called the Team Member Emergency Assistance Fund where employees can get between 100 to 500$ in financial assistance based on Personal Emergencies like damage/destruction of your home, uninsured medical expenses, and other serious personal circumstances. This is an application you get from your HR representative. It takes 2-3 business days for the application to be processed after you and your HR fill out and submit the application. Not everyone is approved, but you will be given a rejecion letter explaining why if you aren't given assistance.
I do know, Walmart has one of these funds, as well.

It's employee funded though.. Corporate doesn't help.
Maybe one of these funds could be suggested to Target (Are you listening Spot?)

I have tons of vaca and would be happy to donate toward it.

Talk about Amazing Vibe!
I thought I read something recently about TMs being able to 'assign' their vay-cay/PH to other TMs.
I'll see if I can dig it up.
Team member Emergency Assistance Fund. Talk to your ETL HR about it. You have to fill out a form, your ETL HR has to fill out another form, and they are both sent to TMSC. A group of people reviews your application, and, if you apply, they will put up to $500 into your paycheck.
The HR team actually CANT deny you the form. The ETL HR -CAN- decide to NOT recommend you, for whatever reason.
By the way, this is a serious fund meant to help team members in emergency situations. If you just need a loan, consider opening an account with Target Credit Union.
A couple of years ago, I had a fire in the kitchen of my apartment. I lost everything in there, pans, dishes, etc, not to mention the smoke damage to nearly everything else in the place. I had to use some vacation time so I'd have time to deal with it. My ETL-HR suggested the Emergency Fund, and had me fill out some paperwork, and give a figure for how much I would need. I needed a lot more than the $500 I got, but I was damned grateful for it. I didn't have to pay it back or anything, which is good, because I would never have been able to afford to.
There's also a line on the eHR home menu about Earned Time Off delegations (TSS ETL manager) which allows you to designate hrs from your Vac/PH to another TM. Don't know all the details.
Annie? Are your ears on?
There's also a line on the eHR home menu about Earned Time Off delegations (TSS ETL manager) which allows you to designate hrs from your Vac/PH to another TM. Don't know all the details.
Annie? Are your ears on?

Tell me more...
Go to eHR & check the home menu.
There's a line re: Earned Time Off delegations (TSS ETL manager). If you're away from work & held up from coming back (say, stuck in the middle of a foreign conflict or earthquake), you can designate someone to request paid time off for you from your accrued hrs. I believe there is also a way to designate your time off to another team member if you so desire (sick TM who has exhausted their vac/ph) but you'd have to check with your HR to be sure.
I'm still trying to learn more but my hrtms don't seem to know much about it either so I've bee trying to read more on eHR.
TSS = target sourcing services.

Not sure if that option is available for Store TMs. I've tried using it, to no avail.
Team Member Emergency Assistance Fund - up to 500$ in Financial Assistance. Application provided by HR dept. 2-3 business days to receive check or denial letter. Needs to be Severe Personal Emergency to qualify. [email protected] if you have questions.
TSS = target sourcing services.

Not sure if that option is available for Store TMs. I've tried using it, to no avail.
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