Archived Has Target changed you? If so, how?

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I really loved working for spot in the early yrs.
It helped me to step out of husband's shadow & become financially independent.
When husband's career cratered, I became the breadwinner & I was respected at my store.
The last couple of yrs have been a complete turnaround. My abilities haven't changed but the respect is gone & I find myself being ridiculed behind my back by people I once trained.
I'm deeply disappointed in what Target has become.
And yeh, I've come to hate the holidays more for what it does to people.
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Definitely increased self-confidence. I was outgoing as a kid, but became much more introspective and insecure in my late teens and early 20s. Working at Target essentially force me to put that to one side - I have to talk to the guests, I have to answer those walkie calls - the mental attitude of 'I'll just skate by and not get in peoples' way' just doesn't wash when you're getting to paid to start the conversation, to reply to the questions. It filters through to aspects outside Target. One way I wish it didn't impact, looking confident and secure in a retail environment, I frequently get asked 'do you work here?' in stores I have never worked (at one point between my Target stints, at a store in another country when I was buying lunch, and wearing ID that extremely didn't belong there) 😉
I think that Target has changed me for the better. Not because it's a great company or a great job, but, it has taught me (is teaching?) me humility. I have an advanced degree, yet I am having trouble finding full time work in my field in this terrible economy. Before I started working at Target, I considered a job at Target or a similar retail position to be a very sad and pathetic outcome. While I'll admit that the job definitely sucks frequently (although I do love my team members), I've learned that there's nothing wrong with an honest day's work. I've also learned a lot about people ... their vanity, their arrogance, their pathetic senses of entitlement, their stupidity, their dishonesty, etc. I have had plenty of great encounters with guests, but the bad ones have a tendency to overshadow the good ones. At any rate, I think I have learned not to judge a person because of what they do for a living. I've also learned how NOT to act when I'm the customer!
Zombiepanties, I agree with ya. I have definitely learned to not judge people based on their job. I had an epiphany last night. I really need to leave Target. Just find a job at a non Target store while I figure out what I want to do. At least, I'd have a fresh start and clean slate. I have definitely learned the dos and donts of retail. Even if it was working at Costco or the mall, I know I would be a lot less stressed out than I am. I will admit that I've finally realized that I work at one of the worst Target stores in America. That's probably why I'm so stressed out most of the time. The store is always behind and horribly staffed and structured. The store is a relvoving door for employees.
Some pros:
I can put up with stupid people's stupid shit a whole hell of a lot better
If I ever has wanted to have a child at an earlier age, I certainly don't now
I've learned how to build strong teams, I can make followers.. Plus I can spot a lemon a mile away (but it's pretty much all we interview these days)
Its allowed me to live on my own for the past year, for the first time
Store level is like a family minus etls up, I greatly appreciate their comrodery and making it through the front line trenches for 8 hours a day.. Can't do that without a peers and team..

Some con's:
Gray hairs for the first time in my life (I look young so I hear about it all the time)
A general disgust for the populous
Salty attitude
Antisocial.. My schedule requires me to wake early, so there's not a lot of going out and doing anything with friends because they want to do that at regular evening times.. Plus I work in a jampacked huge mall, so going back out into the populous is something it takes a pretty damn good reason
Alcohol. The shit I see every day would drive the pope into the bar
I have a greater tolerance for people, yet it almost shames me that im the same species as the people I have to handle on a daily basis
Target never changed me. I was same leader when I left as when I arrived. I believed that while I expected a lot from my team I also would do whatever I could to look out for and take care of them. This is what Target also believed when I started. You could reward hard work and loyalty and in return you had team members that would move heaven and earth for you. Then Target changed. I never did but, I clearly was fighting a up hill battle. I fought for my team and when I no longer could do right by them (reviews scores not based on reality, poor hours etc) I helped them find other jobs and got the hell out myself. It was crazy to watch a company that was on the rise end up in such a steep decline.
Zombiepanties, I agree with ya. I have definitely learned to not judge people based on their job. I had an epiphany last night. I really need to leave Target. Just find a job at a non Target store while I figure out what I want to do. At least, I'd have a fresh start and clean slate. I have definitely learned the dos and donts of retail. Even if it was working at Costco or the mall, I know I would be a lot less stressed out than I am. I will admit that I've finally realized that I work at one of the worst Target stores in America. That's probably why I'm so stressed out most of the time. The store is always behind and horribly staffed and structured. The store is a relvoving door for employees.
Welcome to target. As far as judging someone based on their job, for every human out there really looking, there's a job. Hell someone has to clean the toilets, that job doesn't do itself. I don't judge someone based on what their job is, but I certainly do based on how their job is performed.. And try to correct it quickly or replace them quickly. I don't care what a persons personality is like, sure it helps, but I'll take a quiet old man who gets his job done because he understands that's why he shows up to work every day and has the opportunity to cash a check.. Over some cute 18yo who has a great personality, but after bringing it up to her that it's gotta change, she just continues to walk to other depts to talk with other tms.. If she could do that and get her job done, I don't care a bit
Yeah, I see what you mean. If you suck at your job, you suck at your job. It doesn't mean you're a terrible person, it just means you suck at your job.

I'm just starting to see things more clearly now. It's sad that it's taken me this long to realize it. I guess I've just been scared to death of a change even though I'm miserable at Target, I've gotten comfortable with the routine of it.

However, I want to break that cycle and part ways with Target ASAP. Today, I wanted to just walk out of the store during my shift and never return. I wanted to take off my name tag, PDA holster, PDA, walkie talkie, and TM discount card and just leave them on the computer desk by the dock and maybe leave a note with my name on it and the date and just have "I quit" on it. That would have been awesome. If only I had that ability to be bold and daring and take risks.
WOW. I'm surprised by all the negativity. I know retail work can be difficult and dealing with the public can be trying. I have to say though that I enjoy working at Target probably because I'm only part time and it's a second job. I can go in there, work hard, be active, talk to guests, enjoy my co-workers and go home and forget about it. I actually love it! We have a really fun LOD that makes work enjoyable. Other LODs and TLs are not so fun and can be annoying but if I'm doing my job to the best of my ability then it's not a problem. If you hate it, do everyone a favor and find something else that better suits you. There's no point in being miserable.
WOW. I'm surprised by all the negativity. I know retail work can be difficult and dealing with the public can be trying. I have to say though that I enjoy working at Target probably because I'm only part time and it's a second job. I can go in there, work hard, be active, talk to guests, enjoy my co-workers and go home and forget about it. I actually love it! We have a really fun LOD that makes work enjoyable. Other LODs and TLs are not so fun and can be annoying but if I'm doing my job to the best of my ability then it's not a problem. If you hate it, do everyone a favor and find something else that better suits you. There's no point in being miserable.
I think @rockchalk raises a good point. If working at Target has "ruined" your life as at least one poster has said, I think its time to get out. At this point it isn't venting.

Everyone has bad days and can vent here, but if working at Target is changing you for the worse, then only YOU can fix that problem.

About a year and a half ago when I was going on my 2nd year as a GSA I was incredibly unhappy at Target, and felt like things were taking a turn for the worse. Eventually (after the suggestion of many), I decided that I wasn't going to change the status quo by being unhappy and complaining about it, so I quit.

Fortunately when I came back to a new store back in November, I had a completely positive experience, and would have to say I did take a lot away from Target as a whole. Not every bad experience is a bad thing, if you can learn from it.
Some days a couple of my fellow tm's drive me crazy. They are lazy fucks. They have always been and always will be. Most days I can tune them out. Other days I want to bitch slap both of them. Overall, I am happy at Target. A couple slackers are not going to bring me down.
I think @rockchalk raises a good point. If working at Target has "ruined" your life as at least one poster has said, I think its time to get out. At this point it isn't venting.

Everyone has bad days and can vent here, but if working at Target is changing you for the worse, then only YOU can fix that problem.

About a year and a half ago when I was going on my 2nd year as a GSA I was incredibly unhappy at Target, and felt like things were taking a turn for the worse. Eventually (after the suggestion of many), I decided that I wasn't going to change the status quo by being unhappy and complaining about it, so I quit.

Fortunately when I came back to a new store back in November, I had a completely positive experience, and would have to say I did take a lot away from Target as a whole. Not every bad experience is a bad thing, if you can learn from it.
One good quote an Etl told me a few years ago when I was stressing out pretty hard is that "worrying only robs you of the joys of right now"
At first it sounded ridiculous to me.. Not worrying about having work stacked up so high it blocked out the rays of joy
Eventually i viewed it as I currently do- if you're spending time bitching or moaning about a problem, you're not looking for the solution. (Worry/joy)
Venting in the intarweb is a little different though...
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I'm more assertive than I used to be before working at Target. I've also never been screwed over by jobs as badly as I have been here. But on the flip side I've never had such encouraging coworkers. It's been my fellow team mates that have argued for me in the past and encouraged me to stand up for myself. Every other retail job the coworkers have been sympathetic but definitely let you sink or swim on your own. I love my fellow coworkers. A lot. They make even the worst shifts a lot of fun.

Overall it's been an experience. My depression and anxiety are worse but I'm better at managing it. I'm better at stating what I need and not compromising on it but what I had to go through to get to that point, well, I'd rather not go through that again. But Target has kept me afloat financially through some tough times and I've made some decent friends out of my time here. Oddly enough even though I've been working my whole life this is the job that solidified my list of what I'm looking for in a career which has never happened before. I'm very, very happy to have plans in motion to get out within the next two months. I might end up working at another Target as a part time gig in addition to whatever else I'm doing but it'll only be part time. It'll be nice not to have the Spot koolaid be my main life juice.

Oh and I naturally scowl when I see red when not at work. Hopefully that's a temporary side effect. 😉
I can honestly say I was a happy person before I started working for Target. The change from my old happier self to my current miserable, pessimistic self didn't happen overnight and it wasn't completely due to Target, but I must say that Target has played the biggest part. I didn't intend to stay at Target for very long. I applied here for a seasonal position after being laid off from my bookkeeping/administrative assistant job and intended to stay here just long enough to find a job that could pay a livable wage. I got lazy and stopped looking after a while. My previous job did indeed suck just about as much as Target, but at least there I was respected, treated like an adult, and I felt like the amount of money I made was justified. Now, I go to work and am talked down to and treated like a child by the ETLs. I work my ass off, and I feel like I have nothing to show for it since my paychecks are laughable and leave me constantly broke. Making next to nothing has taken a huge blow to my self esteem. I am a noticably different person at work than I am off the clock. At Target, I have to force myself to put on a cheerful and outgoing facade. Before Target, I was more active and had motivation to get out and do things. I used to go hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, run marathons, and I was on my MMA gym's fight team. I rarely get out and do things anymore; I just can't find the motivation to. I used to get excited about what I was learning in college and now I dread it and feel like I'm just going through the motions. I hardly smile anymore, I don't laugh, I don't talk a whole lot, and I have a very short temper. My friends and family have noticed a change and frankly don't like being around me anymore. I realize a lot of this is my own fault, but it was definitely influenced by Target. I'd say the only positive change is that I now have much more respect for other retail workers and people who work in the service industry. I'm desperately looking for a way out of this hell hole.
I definitely have a shorter tolerance for crap sob stories my friends tell after a few years at Target. I noticed they call me less often now at 1 in the morning to talk about how their SO is ruining their relationship. Never mind the fact that they're just as guilty of being worthless girlfriends/boyfriends. Oh well, victory for me!

Surprisingly the company hasn't driven me to drink, mostly out of financial reasons but that's a plus. The drinking is more due to school now. Which is fantastic as I refuse to drink alone so I have plenty of med students to commiserate with.
I can honestly say I was a happy person before I started working for Target. The change from my old happier self to my current miserable, pessimistic self didn't happen overnight and it wasn't completely due to Target, but I must say that Target has played the biggest part. I didn't intend to stay at Target for very long. I applied here for a seasonal position after being laid off from my bookkeeping/administrative assistant job and intended to stay here just long enough to find a job that could pay a livable wage. I got lazy and stopped looking after a while. My previous job did indeed suck just about as much as Target, but at least there I was respected, treated like an adult, and I felt like the amount of money I made was justified. Now, I go to work and am talked down to and treated like a child by the ETLs. I work my ass off, and I feel like I have nothing to show for it since my paychecks are laughable and leave me constantly broke. Making next to nothing has taken a huge blow to my self esteem. I am a noticably different person at work than I am off the clock. At Target, I have to force myself to put on a cheerful and outgoing facade. Before Target, I was more active and had motivation to get out and do things. I used to go hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, run marathons, and I was on my MMA gym's fight team. I rarely get out and do things anymore; I just can't find the motivation to. I used to get excited about what I was learning in college and now I dread it and feel like I'm just going through the motions. I hardly smile anymore, I don't laugh, I don't talk a whole lot, and I have a very short temper. My friends and family have noticed a change and frankly don't like being around me anymore. I realize a lot of this is my own fault, but it was definitely influenced by Target. I'd say the only positive change is that I now have much more respect for other retail workers and people who work in the service industry. I'm desperately looking for a way out of this hell hole.

When your job isn't advancing your life in the right direction and you begin to get complacent, this can happen. I was getting to be complacent at Target and I could see my life sliding down the shitter so to speak, so I took action and recently just started a full time job in something that I like. Heck I could have done this 3 years ago if I didn't let myself get comfortable at Target.

It sounds like you already know how to fix the problem, which is half the battle. Kudos.
Basically the first two years i hated target. Now i love it because i got off my ass and went back to finish my degree and get a career instead of a job. It really doesn't bother me when etls or tls get mad about something because frankly i give no @$## at all period. Its a job till my internship start for a consulting firm which is a paying one too.
Basically the first two years i hated target. Now i love it because i got off my ass and went back to finish my degree and get a career instead of a job. It really doesn't bother me when etls or tls get mad about something because frankly i give no @$## at all period. Its a job till my internship start for a consulting firm which is a paying one too.
I told a TM once, work only sucks as much as you let it.. If you're not going out there fixing what you dislike about it, you don't have any reason to complain about it...

You know, target pays people with degrees a pretty decent salary. Instead of not giving a shit when etls get mad, report to them that you took care of it these instances before they even ask. I garuntee things get easier looking proactive/competent. Etl is a pretty lush and from what I can tell, the only thing they get paid to consult with is take out in the hr office
I manage to still love holidays. Christmas is a tough one. I love it in some ways, but working it makes me see all the selfishness and greed in it. But I also see and help a bunch of people who are shopping for people less fortunate and that's always a nice experience for me.

I'm working on getting out, though.
I have 3 goals once I clock in. 1) Never smile. I get paid to set POGS, not smile. Smiling leads to unproductivity. 2) Don't help customers. I get paid to set POGS , not do salesfloor. Helping CUSTOMERS (not guests!) leads to not meeting your set timeline. 3)Don't go up for backup cashiering unless specifically called out on the walkie to go up. Once again, I get paid to set POGS. Going up for backups leads to not meeting your set timeline.

I don't care about the vibe score. If heads roll because our scores are consistently low, it will be the crappy etls whose heads roll first. I have timelines I am given to meet. That is my number one priority. I don't care about AAR. And so on and so on.

I have one care. Setting my POG on time. Period. The etls don't want excuses why you didn't get done. Just get it done. If I say ... But I was on lanes for 45 minutes, that is just an excuse. So what if the stupid customers have to wait in line? Don't give me a 13 hour cosmetics POG, expect me to do it in 8 hours, and all this other crap.

I used to care. Ten years in, this is how I run my days. Then, I clock out and go home smiling.

By the way, I was two out of three today. Some old geezer in a handi-cart caught me by the paper plates. Oh well, two out three ain't bad. Lol, we were out (shocker!!) of the ones he wanted anyway. Womp womp.

That is how Target has changed me. I once used to care. Now, I don't.
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