Archived Health Insurance Benefits Video. If you thought the union video was awful...

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Say Mom and Dad both work. Dad works full time at a GM plant and he makes a decent wage. Mom works part time at Target (during the day when the kids are at school) to bring in some extra cash. GM decides to close the plant and Dad is suddenly out of a job. Now, Mom's 20-hours-per-week paycheck is the only income the family has. No company has openings for Dad, so he goes on unemployment (which does very little for the family) while he continues his job search. Now that Dad is home with the kids, Mom has greater availability, but Target won't give her enough hours to be eligible for benefits. Her paycheck is barely enough to pay the bills and buy the essentials. Without Dad's paycheck from GM, neither parent can afford to go to school, and when Dad was working, Mom didn't have time for school because she needed to be home with the kids when they weren't at school.

This is an unexpected you can't really do anything about.

Yeh, we all know that denying someone a job based on their health is illegal but it hasn't stopped employers from using it. It's just harder to prove.

It may be illegal for employers to discriminate as such, but who's stopping the insurance companies that the employers are affiliated with from charging astronomical premiums for even just basic coverage, let alone chronic health issues? And you wonder why so many people in this country have no health insurance.
Your kid? So you're married, so are both employed? So shouldn't be that big of a deal on occasion. Not ideal, but such is life. And if both are employed, why doesn't one of you go to school part time?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but expecting different results.

And one of the definitions of ignorance is the lack of knowledge on a particular subject.
Only one of us is employed currently. We both have advanced degrees but our fields are being outsourced. My husband is frequently told he's 'overqualified' during interviews. We have three kids, one of whom is disabled & yes, we are living within our means.
But it's nice that you can afford such a black & white perspective on the world.
And one of the definitions of ignorance is the lack of knowledge on a particular subject.
Only one of us is employed currently. We both have advanced degrees but our fields are being outsourced. My husband is frequently told he's 'overqualified' during interviews. We have three kids, one of whom is disabled & yes, we are living within our means.
But it's nice that you can afford such a black & white perspective on the world.
It really must be nice. I wonder if he's ever had to struggle, or if mommy and daddy have always paid everything for him?

Some people are so out of touch with the real world that it's pitiful. We're all stuck in a vicious circle of no matter what we do we're damned. It's the consequences of not being born into wealth, while the wealthy strut around and have no idea what it's like to suffer.
Naterstx is former military & recently returned from overseas. He comes from working-class folk. In the eyes of many soldiers, the world is black & white, you do whatever it takes to get the job done & you follow orders. No excuses.
For us civies, the world is awash in greys & things aren't so cut & dried.
It really must be nice. I wonder if he's ever had to struggle, or if mommy and daddy have always paid everything for him?

Some people are so out of touch with the real world that it's pitiful. We're all stuck in a vicious circle of no matter what we do we're damned. It's the consequences of not being born into wealth, while the wealthy strut around and have no idea what it's like to suffer.

Purple Heart and bronze star recepient, partial academic and athletic scholarships (but still had to get loans bc i went to a private school) and havent received a dime from my parents since i turned 18, but thanks for playing. I know more about "earning it", struggling, pain, and effort than youll probably ever know. The difference is i find solutions instead of crying about it, life usually rewards that.
Purple Heart and bronze star recepient, partial academic and athletic scholarships (but still had to get loans bc i went to a private school) and havent received a dime from my parents since i turned 18, but thanks for playing. I know more about "earning it", struggling, pain, and effort than youll probably ever know. The difference is i find solutions instead of crying about it, life usually rewards that.
Oh, you're one of those type of people.

Naters is one of those people that few would have sympathy for if he gets cancer or diabetes or something else happens to him because why should they? He hasn't had ANY compassion for those on here who have experienced those things. He has sat here and done nothing but judge people, put people down, tell people their pathetic, he's just a macho jerk who CHOOSES to see everything in a childish, black and white point of view. Instead of act like a HUMAN being and ADMIT that life isn't perfect, but that we can all WORK TOGETHER to make it BETTER, he chooses to say people DESERVE a bad life, it's a very "religious right, christian conservative, tea party, southern hick" way to act and think, but that's what happens when you are obviously either raised with NO values or teachings of compassion or empathy or decency. He's the type who CHOOSES to think "you make 7$/hour, that's not the company's fault, it's yours" when, in fact, it's OBviously the COMPANY's fault how they treat their employees, what they pay them, what benefits and perks they provide them, etc.
FYI, i voted for Obama and kerry. Im a social liberal and fiscal conservative. I dont want the government in my wallet or bedroom, and i havent been to church in years. Your stereotypes are reflective of a person who sees the world in black and white, odd that you keep ocusing me of that.
Sorry naters, if you were a "liberal", you would HAVE A HEART and be a DECENT person, you are an AWFUL person who likes to do NOTHING more than put people down and PLAY GOD by saying "if you don't like 7$/hour, it's YOUR fault, when we ALL know it's people like YOU's fault. All you do is come on here to play "devil's advocate", the first word describes you perfectly I might add. By the way, you CANT be a "liberal" and be CONSERVATIVE, they contradict one another! CLEARLY you haven't been to church in YEARS, you are a TERRIBLE human being! Actually, democrats DO want the government in RICH people's wallet, and they DO want program to help THE POOR, which is what a 7$/hour cart attendant would constitute! And Democrats want the Minimum Wage INcrease, so you better reconsider your voting pattern, Democrats do NOT believe in ANYthing YOU believe it! Democrats believe in UNIONS and EQUALITY, you believe in NONE of those things, so don't try to get us to believe you voted for Obama or Kerry
Sorry naters, if you were a "liberal", you would HAVE A HEART and be a DECENT person, you are an AWFUL person who likes to do NOTHING more than put people down and PLAY GOD by saying "if you don't like 7$/hour, it's YOUR fault, when we ALL know it's people like YOU's fault. All you do is come on here to play "devil's advocate", the first word describes you perfectly I might add. By the way, you CANT be a "liberal" and be CONSERVATIVE, they contradict one another! CLEARLY you haven't been to church in YEARS, you are a TERRIBLE human being! Actually, democrats DO want the government in RICH people's wallet, and they DO want program to help THE POOR, which is what a 7$/hour cart attendant would constitute! And Democrats want the Minimum Wage INcrease, so you better reconsider your voting pattern, Democrats do NOT believe in ANYthing YOU believe it! Democrats believe in UNIONS and EQUALITY, you believe in NONE of those things, so don't try to get us to believe you voted for Obama or Kerry

Grow up.
Politics are under a different forum...

Now, Back to benefits video topic....

lol hlm... $eriously, if i can throw my nickel$ worth in, doe$n't matter your political belief$, they're all after the $ame thing... just like all politician$, all companie$, and mo$t people. 😉

things i've realized working here:
i'm not gonna drive my dream car (a 1980 aston martin bulldog)
bill collectors can't eat you, no matter what they threaten via phone and angry letters.
as long as my family has a roof, heat, and food, we can get by. heck, there's been times we didn't have those, and we still got by.
i'll take my crappy benefits and do what i can until i decide to do more. then i'll rock something new. until then, i agree partially with ntx, i own it.
I haven't seen the video, but I know all about the changes, not very popular it appears.
I think people need to demonstrate compassion and sympathy for those who are sick and dying, and we should all be trying to help others, but with sincere intentions not a cold "tough" attitude. Yes, everyone is different, and we all react differently to different situations. Some people might be emotional, others might not be very much in touch with their emotional side, but I think that we all need to be a little more sensitive towards one another. Here is the reality. Employers have been known to fire their employees when the employees medical expenses get too high. Another reality is how important it is to be educated about the politics of how things work. Democrats have passed the Affordable Healthcare Act which is going to help people who can't get insured by Target due to their silly rules or due to Target eliminating the plans they enjoyed participating in.
The problem that exists for the person who came down with diabetes is that he won't be able to get private health insurance, so once the plan they were participating in stops existing, they will not be able to get that plan priviately without passing a health assessment exam, which will either cause this employee to go on High Rick insurance which is very expensive, or they may not be offered insurance whatsoever. That is why the Affordable Care Act was necessary because people with Pre-Existing Conditions can't get insured, and when they can, they have to pay MUCH higher premiums, which again, people who are middle or lower income can't afford. In reviewing what was written it came across so harsh, but hidden in the message may have been some attempt to provide a suggestion on how to cope with the situation. I apologize for my part of the situation. I hope everyone has a good evening! =)
We are all hoping for the day when the Affordable Care Act goes into affect so people at the bottom and in the middle can get AFFORDABLE coverage =)
I agree, we all hope to not have to depend on our employers to be able to know we have a way of getting reasonable health insurance coverage.
We are all hoping for the day when the Affordable Care Act goes into affect so people at the bottom and in the middle can get AFFORDABLE coverage =)
For what it's worth, I was sent an e-mail from Target Benefits with a link to the video.
Finally saw the video.
I'm sorry to say that when they started to compare getting medical care with buying a television, there was a sound like a boiling tea kettle which didn't stop until one of my TM's poked me (I was trying so hard to behave).
It did my heart good that when the narrator wrapped up with "of course going to the doctor is just like buying a TV" and half the people in the room said at the same time "NO SH!T".
I find it interesting that out HR-ETL is staying as far away from this as possible and will not answer any questions, instead just directs folks to the phone number.
Which is best if you don't know the answers but also best if you aren't too happy with the set up yourself.
Yea watching this made it pretty clear where Spot's priorities are and they have nothing to do with us.
yeah, the HR's want those in charge of talking to this topic to take and deal with the heat from this event.
Finally saw the video.
I'm sorry to say that when they started to compare getting medical care with buying a television, there was a sound like a boiling tea kettle which didn't stop until one of my TM's poked me (I was trying so hard to behave).
It did my heart good that when the narrator wrapped up with "of course going to the doctor is just like buying a TV" and half the people in the room said at the same time "NO SH!T".
I find it interesting that out HR-ETL is staying as far away from this as possible and will not answer any questions, instead just directs folks to the phone number.
Which is best if you don't know the answers but also best if you aren't too happy with the set up yourself.
Yea watching this made it pretty clear where Spot's priorities are and they have nothing to do with us.
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