Archived Hello from Canada!

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Dec 14, 2012
Hi everyone!

I just got hired up here in Canada for Target. Hopefully you guys don't mind! I'm not sure what the differences will be in the two countries but I'm excited none the less! I will be a presentation team member. If anyone could give me a more in-depth description of the position that would be great (I know about planos and stuff but not the rest :S)

Anyways us Canadians are sure excited to have Target up here!!

So....HI! *waves*
Greetings and salutations.

Glad to have you with us.
Greetings! It will be fun to see the differences between Target Canada and your fellow Teammates to the south!!!!
Hi Target Canuck! I'm sure some things will be different across the border, but as far as the department goes, presentation is a fun one! It's one of my favorites, and I'm trained in just about everything. Best wishes!
Best Practices will likely be the same in order to deliver a consistent image between all the stores. There will be three areas that will be exceptions: cultural, environmental and laws specific to Canada. I've already noticed certain replacement parts for equipment I repair have options specific for dealing with your colder/heavier winters. Your perimeter doors have heavier insulation, cart pusher is a more rugged model and so forth.
Best Practices will likely be the same in order to deliver a consistent image between all the stores. There will be three areas that will be exceptions: cultural, environmental and laws specific to Canada. I've already noticed certain replacement parts for equipment I repair have options specific for dealing with your colder/heavier winters. Your perimeter doors have heavier insulation, cart pusher is a more rugged model and so forth.

Instructions in French and English.
Welcome to the team. One thing I'm trying to figure out is, does the exchange rate work itself into the returns? I am in Pittsburgh, and there are a lot of families that are from Canada that might start trying to return due to the hockey rink we have next door. Any light you guys can shed on this would be great.
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