Archived Hello? lol

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Dec 8, 2011
Hey there everyone... names Eternal (since i read we arent supposed to say our names). Im new to this site but not new to target or forums. Guess I'll start by saying in the Cart attendant at a busy store in CA annnnnddddd i hate my job -.- lol well i dont really like any of the postions at target but i find pulling carts is the one that least deals with guests so thus the reason for me being a cart attendant... i started of as a cashier last november but jumped at the opportunity to do carts when one of the cart attendants left the store this january. hmmmm i think that about covers it... ohhh and i hate my underpaid job =D
Greetings and salutations.
Now tell us how you really feel.
Welcome,too many people hate their jobs,I hope you have some positives such as working with some great people,inspite of being underpaid at least its a check,despite the decisions and illusions coming from above Target is still a great company to work for in a lot of ways.I know they are working on that too,but look around you might be surprised.
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