Archived Help please! I’ve been asked for a list of BF wins/opps...

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I was stuck in electronics at the Apple cage all night and I’m supposed to write about what sold great and what just tanked for BF. Can anyone share anything they saw go really well or really horribly with guests?
From the little bit of time I was away from the boat, it looked like TV shop in Market was an awful idea. Thank you in advance for any help. I’m exhausted (12 days worked in a row!) and I need to get this list done by tomorrow am before my shift 🙁
It was. Really it was.
Really its going to be different store to store. This year was a mix of things and things that dident work at my store worked at other stores. For example, we dident sell hardly any Apple merch. The line that was normally for apple stuff was broken down within 30 mins of opening. Also, guests were down every aisle in electronics compared to it being a ghost town the past few years. Like other said, the TV shop was a ghost town and I have no clue why. It might be because the deals werent as good as prior years or as open with extra stuff stuffed down the aisles. This year, its all about a mix of things across different stores compared to prior years where we knew what worked and what dident.
#1 issue at my store was freaking mobile again. They are awful, I wish they were out of the store.
Our mobile is great, except for that one guy. They play team member when we're swamped and back us up when we have to get stern with people trying to intimidate us, and two of them are excellent about helping train new red shirts. Their manager is terrible. She actually made her best work until 12:45AM on the Thanksgiving shift, then back in at 5:45AM for Black Friday, out at 10:30AM, then back in from 6PM to 9PM. Which violates two seperate labor laws. I'm shocked techs didn't just walk our or refuse to come in. She also likes to condescend at red shirts whenever she visits, and she keeps scheduling her best mobile tm during her college classes and then fighting her about it when she calls up and says that's not her availability.
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