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Jul 6, 2014
I am a cashier and I am also about to start my junior year of high school. I just got out of my "training period" (90 days). Today I got my schedule for the week that I start school. They gave me 32 hours. They did abide by my availability but when I try to change "maximum hours" I'm eHR it won't let me. So now I have over 32 hours on a school week- and that's not gonna fly for the rest of the school year as I'm taking ap and honors classes and also involved in extra curricular activities. So my first question is- how can I get eHR to let me put in my maximum hours? And my second question is- for the schedule I got today- how do I go about giving up my shifts to someone else? No one ever explained it to me at my store. Is it different everywhere? Thanks in advance!
That is a problem with MyTime. You have to tell HR and they will mysupport it and HQ will change it.
That is a problem with MyTime. You have to tell HR and they will mysupport it and HQ will change it.


As far as getting rid of your other shifts, near where your schedule hangs up in the tsc, there should be a form to write your name and your shift and hopefully someone will pick it up. However, if no one takes it, you are still responsible for it.
Also isn't it odd that I got schedules so many hours? I feel like everyone complains about not having enough hours- and me being 16 and in high school I feel like I'm getting a ton
I have been getting alot too. That depends on your store. I am only 17 and in high school as well. I have been getting 35+ hours a week regularly.
It's partially the time of year, there are more hours this time of year -and if your store is like most others turnover is super high right now as well. Hours will be scarce again for a little while, then stay pretty consistent through the end of the year, and then it will be the beginning of the year when no one gets any hours.
Ok so now I need to go talk to someone about my hours since eHR still didn't work today. I should talk to my etl-hr right?
um i know this isnt really relevant but well you know how you change your mytime login and everything? well i remember my password but i forgot my user name 🙁 what to do
Pick up the red phone in your breakroom to call HQ to change your UN/PW. Or follow the brochure hanging up in there (hopefully your store has it posted there)
um i know this isnt really relevant but well you know how you change your mytime login and everything? well i remember my password but i forgot my user name 🙁 what to do
You might want to change your user name. Let's hope it's not your real name.

There are probably thousands of people with that name in the US. Nevertheless, anonymity is recommended.
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