Archived Hey, new SRTL Salesfloor & also new to Target...

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Senior Team Leader Sales Floor
Aug 4, 2017
Any tips/tricks for a newbie? I am SRTL Salesfloor both HL&SL and would like any advice on being successful in my new position 😉
From another thread:
On good training:
I completely agree with explaining the big picture and WHY things are done a certain way. Giving a brief overview of the process, or how your role fits in the store is EXTREMELY helpful. Target has a different way of organizing duties within the store, and how teams interact with each other than other retailers. Explaining how this works is a good way to start.

I always recommend using a checklist of some sort. I know Target used to have training brochures, but since 'all stores aren't the same' it may be helpful to create one specific for your store's processes. Doesn't have to anything fancy, but if you're going to be training people a lot, it'll be nice to have so you are consistent from trainee to trainee.

The recommended training at my company is:
-Tell: Tell the trainee what you are doing and why it's important
-Show: Show the trainee the task you want to complete. Explain what you are doing while you are doing it.
-Do: Have the trainee confirm understanding by having them complete the task
-Review: Provide feedback to the trainee.

Most people respond to positive reinforcement more so than negativereinforcement. Be positive, and point things that they are doing well, but be constructive when correcting someone.

Always let the trainee ask questions!

bullseyekindaguy, Jan 20, 2017
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