I guess I just don't see the need to cheer that he was told to leave. You said he bought something, he never bothered anyone, you never said anything about smell. You sounded aggravated that he talked to himself, a totally harmless thing. He took up a table at Food Avenue, but single guests grab a large table all the time. As far as hanging out, I've never seen you state any dislike for the teens and 20 somethings that come into the store just to joke around and hang out for hours and buy nothing, the walkers that circle the entire store repeatedly in order to get their exercise and also buy nothing, the women who come in with friends just to try on clothing with no intent on buying something just because it's fun and they admit they are not going to buy anything after 2 trips into the fitting room and 30 pieces of clothing each, and the tweens that are dropped off by busy parents who view Target as a supervised playground.