Archived Hours?

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Nov 27, 2015
Hi all. I am new here. I was seasonal and then made permanent. I also have another job and my availability is mostly evenings during the weekdays with open weekends. I made it clear that I would only take the permanent position if I got 15-20 hours max. They said "fine." This week I will have 10. Perfect, actually. The following week? 30. I know a lot of people need the hours but my other job is in an educational setting (i.e. school) and 30 hours on top of a 40 hour school week basically kills me. Is there any way to ensure the 15-20 hour cap or am I just at their mercy? I need to keep Target so I have something during the summer months. Advice? Thanks.
You can either go to HR & remind them what your max hours are or get used to posting shifts on the swap board.
Talk to your scheduling TL or ETL and HR. You may have to choose days you want to work and cut your availability down on the computer. Having a wide open availability guarantees that they will consistently forget you only want 15-20 hours.
Talk to HR and change your availability. Put the shifts you can't work on the shift board. I am on of the lucky people at my store who get around 30 hours, a lot of the other team members get 16 hours and will take any shifts on the board right away.
I've had this battle with scheduling since I started. Do the availability change on the computer and if they approve it print the screen shot. Then talk to your managers and hr and show them the sheet everytime. It's a process but it works. You don't want to have to worry about always using the swap board in case no one picks up the shifts and then you're stuck working them. Good luck. It was and still is a battle for me every schedule.
Yeah I put my Sunday shift (8 hours) up on the swap board right away. It won't be taken... I can almost guarantee it as of 5:30 pm last night. :/
Yeah I put my Sunday shift (8 hours) up on the swap board right away. It won't be taken... I can almost guarantee it as of 5:30 pm last night. :/

Yeah that's a tough one probably to get rid of. I've changed my availability twice just make sure you write an explanation as to why on it (I work 40 hrs at my full time job and need the 15 to 20 hours only here as I've always had and need that to be followed thank you) something like that.
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