How can I see what team members created baffles and ghosts in Greenfield?


Sep 28, 2020
I forgot how to see who created errors in in the backroom in Greenfield. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
1: a TM who knows what they're doing physically places 6 units into a waco and locates them there by entering a quantity of 6

2: some seasonal dumbass comes in behind them and grabs one or more of the units out without unlocating them, so the system thinks there are still 6

3: a TM doing pulls/picks is sent by the system to that waco to pull 6 units from the waco but...oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no they aren't physically there, so they press INF

1 and 3 are logged, 2 is not
1: a TM who knows what they're doing physically places 6 units into a waco and locates them there by entering a quantity of 6

2: some seasonal dumbass comes in behind them and grabs one or more of the units out without unlocating them, so the system thinks there are still 6

3: a TM doing pulls/picks is sent by the system to that waco to pull 6 units from the waco but...oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no they aren't physically there, so they press INF

1 and 3 are logged, 2 is not
Exactly this.
I hearted doing BR ghostbusting here at not-Target during the holiday season last year because nearly every time I audited an empty waco there would be some invisible, intangible shit located there, boooo. Turns out there is one indirect way of logging who pulls shit from a waco without unlocating it and that's thanks to them eenie weenie 4KHD cameras whose lenses are about the same size as the webcam on a laptop and are cleverly mounted 30 feet up on the ceiling struts with their cables painted white to match them. The store director would peep my audit reports on her computer, and then use the timestamp for when the missing items were originally located as a reference point to scrub forward on the cameras until she found the footage of a seasonal grabbing perfume and makeup from the waco and dumping them into their pockets about like how the Animaniacs dumped bologna in their slacks
Wouldn't that be great? It'd also be great to be able to see who pushes the afternoon and evening pulls so poorly and who does such a bad job with price change. I know there are ways for TLs to know who those TMs are, and I've said something so many times, pointing to multiple specific examples, and nothing changes. Absolutely nothing. Well, I'm fresh out of patience and have no time to fix their mistakes anymore (unless the mistakes are truly horrendous). If no one else cares, it's becoming harder for me to care more than they do. I don't understand a mindset where someone doesn't seem to care about doing a decent job, and I'm done with it. Seriously thinking about asking to change to a different work area, but I'm not sure that it'd be any better. And, given how no one else would probably want my work area, I'm none too sure a request would even be considered.
I am deeply interested in all things BRLA. 'can't touch this' brings up a very real point about how TMs can create inaccuracies that our systems have no way to measure.

That said, I don't think it is the reason for the majority of errors, at least at my store. I wish I could support that with more than my intuition, but that would be a tall order.

For the most part, I think most of our errors are simply the results of poor training, and extremely inconsistent follow-up and holding to account.

The main issues I see are two-fold.
1) TM's either have trouble counting, or mis-keying qty backstocked, OR mistake two similar items as the same item when backstocking (think shampoo and conditioner).
2) TM's are too quick to say they scanned all items, when they in fact, did not do a sufficient job of looking in the given location.

If you could eliminate these two problems, I think that most stores would see BRLA of 99.5% or higher.

All that said, I have sneaking suspicion that there will be some major changes to backroom accuracy metrics coming in the next year, or sooner. Stay tuned to find out, but, if you're paying attention, notice how much better Backroom Location Audit is compared to a year ago.... That will clue you into some things to come.
Not to condense your entire post down to one point, but at least with this, if they do trigger a ghost, it should in theory be corrected the next day with the system led audit.

Backroom System Led Audits logic has been recently altered. There may be a few exception, but the majority of stores now get exactly 45 tasks each day, split fairly evenly amongst departments. Audit no longer seeks out nulls(NaN) as the driver behind BR audit tasks. You may still run into nulls as part of audit, but it is incidental and only 5-6% of All BR Audits at present.

BR System led audits are now fantastic at uncovering a large number of baffles. I think some of the stats I'm seeing show that around 60% of tasks fix at least one baffle, which is fantastic for BRLA!

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