Archived How do ETL decide who gets age approval rights?

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I think the better question is why your electronics TMs can't just scan licenses like we're supposed to. I find it hard to believe that every 20 minutes they have a guest that refuses to hand over their ID.

Its not that they don't have an ID or refuse to hand it over, I work an a area with heavy hispanic population which means 50 percent of them only have a Mexico id.
Its not that they don't have an ID or refuse to hand it over, I work an a area with heavy hispanic population which means 50 percent of them only have a Mexico id.

They are lying if they tell you that. At my store they *must* have a US issued form of ID. So either state ID or driver license. If they don't have that then 99% of the time they will either have a permanent resident card or employment authorization card or border crossing B1/B2 visa card. All of those are issued by the federal government. (per our states laws these are the only IDs we can take to establish age for age restricted sales)

If they don't show us one of those then they are not walking out of the store with any age restricted item.
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