To add a bit to what
@allnew2 said:
From the Home screen, select fill/backstock (first on the list of available tasks). You'll see three options across the top; choose "fill the floor." In each area, you'll have a choice between one for one and priority. We do only priority pulls at my store for regular pulls.
It'll direct you to the first waco location. Scan the waco label and it'll show you the product to pull and how many. Scan the product bar code and take however many it tells you. Click on "done" and it'll direct you to the next waco. Work your way through the list and voila!
If you scan the wrong waco or the wrong product, it'll let you know. When this first happened to me, I had a moment of panic, like "how could I make a mistake already?" But it's really no big deal. Just pay attention to your screen and keep going. You'll be fine.