Priority Pull Percentages

May 6, 2020
The other day I pulled in my department to well over 90%.

The next time I wen to work my TL said we only pull 88%.

I told him that didn't seem right and he said later that one department only pulled to 66%.

The math doesn't make sense.

It should be weighted to the size of the department not just adding each department.

The department that was at 66% is super small.

What gives?
The percentage will shoot up once you enter a batch that will affect it if completed. If it isn't completed, the percentage goes back down. Only thing I can think of that might cause it off the top of my head.
What grace said is correct. The only thing that matters is (dpci filled / total need) = PF %.

A fill group that only ever has a total need of 1 and a fill group that has a need of 101, it is just as impactful to pull the 101st of the second as it to pull the 1 of the 1.
True except at my store they look at individual departments within a larger department.

I ignore that and try to pull the items in which have the greatest impact on the overall number.

For example if I will put an item that needs 7 versus one that needs 1.

As I have mentioned to my TL and in numerous threads the priority pulls are messed up in my store.

The system wants everything pulled up to 100% regardless of whether that DPCI is currently at 95% or 65%.
When was this pulled? I mean if the store is still open as you sell you’ll have to pull more which affects the percentage.
I pull until 10:00 PM.

It hasn't been that bad lately because half of the items we don't have in stock.

Our store also missed a big opportunity during our remodel.

We had TMs overnight they should have down pulls after the store closes for an hour or so.

You could had decided what department on a daily basis.
I pull until 10:00 PM.

It hasn't been that bad lately because half of the items we don't have in stock.

Our store also missed a big opportunity during our remodel.

We had TMs overnight they should have down pulls after the store closes for an hour or so.

You could had decided what department on a daily basis.
Your remodel team should have pulled the priorities and 141 for the departments that were being set in sequence
Our remodel is done and this issue didn't show up until the start of our remodel last year.
My TL told me yesterday that I have being doing the pulls all wrong for the past three years.

My TL told me they are more concerned in getting as many DCPI to capacity then getting the number of eaches down.

For example they rather have 9 out of 10 DCPI at capacity but don't care if the 10 has 100 eaches as long as we hit 90%.

Naturally my TL showed me no data to back any of this up.

I went to HR and asked them to transfer me to another department which will be denied because they would haven't any to do my job.

My HR ETL also had no clue that I can do about everything in the store.

I also reminded them I was transferred in my current department without so say in the first place but the HR ETLs response was that was before she started.
Something we've been discussing and wanted to see if anyone else has similar results, or if its just confirmation bias.

At night, when we've been taking trucks, the leads have been receiving trucks once they've been emptied. The Priorities will drop as a result (% remains the same after receiving). Completing priorities at that point will have a larger effect on your percentages, or no?
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Something we've been discussing and wanted to see if anyone else has similar results, or if its just confirmation bias.

At night, when we've been taking trucks, the leads have been receiving trucks once they've been emptied. The Priorities will drop as a result (% remains the same after receiving). Completing priorities at that point will have a larger effect on your percentages, or no?
I would think so but two things I have noticed at my store.

The truck push either completely done by my afternoon shift or it just sits there until whenever.

I have seen our Dairy pallets come in on a Saturday and sit until Monday or Tuesday.

That also effects OPU in the fact some of the items are buried at the bottom of an eight foot pallet.
My TL told me yesterday that I have being doing the pulls all wrong for the past three years.

My TL told me they are more concerned in getting as many DCPI to capacity then getting the number of eaches down.

For example they rather have 9 out of 10 DCPI at capacity but don't care if the 10 has 100 eaches as long as we hit 90%.

Naturally my TL showed me no data to back any of this up.
Your TL is correct, it's based on DCPI, not on eaches. If you look at the numbers in MPM it says it's based on DCPIs filled.
Your TL is correct, it's based on DCPI, not on eaches. If you look at the numbers in MPM it says it's based on DCPIs filled.

So by Target's logic you are better off finishing the DCPIs with the lowest number of eaches and skipping the large ones.

Therefore at the end of the day Target thinks 2 DCPIs of 100 eaches apiece is better than 3 DCPIs of 200 eaches apiece.

I asked my TL why they didn't allocate hours to helps us catch up.

He said there were no hours but we got behind because of an external situation that Target couldn't control.

That's is what makes this situation so stupid.
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So by Target's logic you are better off finishing the DCPIs with the lowest number of eaches and skipping the large ones.

Therefore at the end of the day Target thinks 2 DCPIs of 100 eaches apiece is better than 3 DCPIs of 200 eaches apiece.

I asked my TL why they didn't allocate hours to helps us catch up.

He said there were no hours but we got behind because of an external situation that Target couldn't control.

That's is what makes this situation so stupid.
This is Target logic in a nutshell. Back in the day when we pulled CAFs we got as much credit toward a green metric for pulling a 1 minute BATT CAF with one item of one dcpi as we did for pulling a 55 minute CHEM CAF of 600 eaches of 80 dcpis. We had better metrics pulling all the small cafs first and letting the big one roll over. Of course the floor was empty over in CHEM and we were losing sales, but our numbers were good, which is all that seemed to matter. Heaven help you if you pulled the big cafs first to fill the floor with what was selling and let all the small ones roll over, ending up red for the week. What a way to run a business and things don’t seem to have changed…🙄
This is Target logic in a nutshell. Back in the day when we pulled CAFs we got as much credit toward a green metric for pulling a 1 minute BATT CAF with one item of one dcpi as we did for pulling a 55 minute CHEM CAF of 600 eaches of 80 dcpis. We had better metrics pulling all the small cafs first and letting the big one roll over. Of course the floor was empty over in CHEM and we were losing sales, but our numbers were good, which is all that seemed to matter. Heaven help you if you pulled the big cafs first to fill the floor with what was selling and let all the small ones roll over, ending up red for the week. What a way to run a business and things don’t seem to have changed…🙄
The good Ole days when I used to work weekends by myself as a backroom tm and the cafs would be estimated at 5 hours or more and I'd be the only one pulling them. For the new tms the caf pulls would drop every hour from 11am to 5pm so you would only have an hour to complete them. So needless to say they rolled till about 630 when I finally caught up to them. Don't forget the line of tubs that would be sitting there waiting to be pushed from the hardlines tms that were equally as backed up.
The good Ole days when I used to work weekends by myself as a backroom tm and the cafs would be estimated at 5 hours or more and I'd be the only one pulling them. For the new tms the caf pulls would drop every hour from 11am to 5pm so you would only have an hour to complete them. So needless to say they rolled till about 630 when I finally caught up to them. Don't forget the line of tubs that would be sitting there waiting to be pushed from the hardlines tms that were equally as backed up.
For you . Mine were 20-25 hour overnight. Would send a team at 1am to pull off-site .
It was almost a year ago that my TL said you were going back to a backroom TM that would do all the pulls then each department would push them, zone, etc.

That never happened of course.

In a related matter we had a TL from a store over 50 miles away helping out in my department the other day.

There are a least six stores within 15 miles of our store so apparently the word got out what a trainwreck my store has become.

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