Archived How late can my Flow TL/ETL be before I'm allowed to leave?

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Jan 26, 2013
Im 6am flow and today neither of our Flow leaders showed up to let the team in. So the LOD finally got there at about 7:20. This has actually happened before. So for future reference, how long do you have to wait before someone shows up? I actually have another job I could go to in the morning and would rather do that than standing outside so if there is a limit to how long you have to wait before you leave, it would be nice to know.
you could also do what we did back when I was in plano for a while....

Stand in front of the doors with the rest of the Plano and Price Change teams with scowls and crossed arms, because we were "accidentally scheduled" at 5 in the morning when it should have been 7 (several times.)

Go inside, all fill out PAPER punch correction forms, and leave the nice stack of 14 paper punch corrections on the STL's office with a note that says "These are our punch corrections for this morning; we were all scheduled at 5am and had to stand outside (in view of the cameras) for two hours waiting for a key holder. Thanks"

Fixed that problem real quick.
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This actually happened at my store a couple weeks ago. Well it was on a Sunday but by the time somebody somehow got in touch with an alternate LOD there were 10 or so TMs standing around the door. 30 minutes is what I heard from other people waiting but nobody left, so yeah.

But a Flow TL being late? And an hour or more? I'm going to go curl up in a corner and try not to picture what a mess that truck must've been.

where I am at people generally stick around because, "still getting paid"
Same here: I've got nothing else to do, the store scheduled me for 7 hours so I might as well stick around. Plus if its on a big enough day they're probably going to call me about coming back in and I have trouble saying no to that.

Though I am curious what you're expected to do if nobody shows up to let you in. In my case somebody called an off-duty TL who knew who was supposed to be LOD, then that TL ended up calling another ETL to come in or something. I'm guessing TMs don't need to go to that level of action but standing around the hour or so until opening seems weird.
They have to pay you for your time so why leave?
When someone does get there just fill out a mispunch form.
Unless you are standing out in the cold or in a dangerous place, I can see that but I'd hope you would have other TMs you could huddle with.
And if that was the case, I'd be raising hell with HR when I got the chance.
we had a flow tl just quit one day and the team was left outside so they waited for 15 mins and left. The team got paid for 4 hours.
I always see the same vehicle parked in our parking lot under one of the light posts with a camera. Is this an AP person? We are not an overnight store.
I dont think there really is a set "time you have to wait". If you go there and ring the bell and call like crazy and no one comes or answers then its up to you want you want to do... Just make sure you "did all you could do" and then either wait or leave...

Im to the point right now where if this kinda crap happened to me id wait maybe 10 minutes and then go home and go back to sleep and not give a MOTHER F***
lol unfortunately i have a list of etl phone numbers so i can call and say hey noones here whats up. theres one SRTL who will always come in no matter what. so normally we all just wait. i dont think theres a certain time limit though.
I have heard varying stories on the time you have to wait. I do know that all the times I have heard were between 15 and 30 min. I also, know that if you do leave after waiting for whatever said amount of time is ...they have to pay you for a certain amount of time ( three hours I think). I know this has happened at my store many times over the years. The last time it happened the stl had overslept...showed up over an hour late..never apologized or anything. She never bothered to call anyone who lived closer to the store ( she lived almost an hour away)...someone called the hotline. Needless to say about a week later she was all over herself apologizing. Quite comical to say the least.
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