Archived How soon until I'm fired?

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ALL CA's should be able to operate a register.

If all a TM can do is be a CA, then that TM needs to be promoted to guest.
There are some tms who csn only cart attend for various reasons. We have tm at our store who is the best CA ever not to.mention has the best attitude but he isn't able to do more because of mental issues etc. Suggesting a tm who can only do cart attending should be fired is just messed up.
No need for a personal attack. Knock it off.

I second that, we're all Target workers and have sucked at something. You shouldn't discourage someone from trying new things, after all, the only reason why we're here at all today is because "we tried new things" and adapted. While cashiering is a pretty simple job and forgetting to remove a spiderwrap and not scanning it is rather confusing, it doesn't warrant a personal attack.

While the first one can land anyone in hot water, the second incident mentioned can simply be passed as a simple human mistake. It happens, anyone that doesn't admit they've made mistakes only have inflated egos. In the end, I'm sure you will be fine, but don't take it personally if AP and TLs are more watchful or pull you aside a little more often.
I meant an average, able-bodied TM... not a special case.
I've had 'able-bodied' cart attendants who couldn't run a register: one who was mildly mentally disabled with OCD & another was severely dyslexic.
Both were great at wrangling carts but could NOT work a register.
There's room for success with the OP, lets not discourage him or her. I'm sure the OP will make a great cashier after their 90 days is up.
Everyone makes mistakes, we all are human. Unless you continue to make these mistakes on a day to day basis you will be fine, just be more careful. It's good to have sense on urgency while being a cashier but in the end sometimes it's better to just take it a little slower so you don't over scan something or mis scan something. Apologize to the AP, let them know it wont happen again and you promise to be very careful, if you want let them know you were working with sense of urgency and made those mistakes.You will be careful next time and it wont happen again.

Ive made mistakes too. Although i'm not cashier, I work as a PA and a few times ive made typos in the zebra when charging out outdated bread, one time i had 2 outdated bread packages on the bakery table and accidentally i typed 12 and pressed process. and it was too late. I was like OMG FACEPALM. It's happened other times too but I try to be careful. Don't we all make typos?

Btw when that does happen anyone know if theres a way you can fix that so the quanities are accurate? (sorry for changing the subject)
Everyone makes mistakes, we all are human. Unless you continue to make these mistakes on a day to day basis you will be fine, just be more careful. It's good to have sense on urgency while being a cashier but in the end sometimes it's better to just take it a little slower so you don't over scan something or mis scan something. Apologize to the AP, let them know it wont happen again and you promise to be very careful, if you want let them know you were working with sense of urgency and made those mistakes.You will be careful next time and it wont happen again.

Ive made mistakes too. Although i'm not cashier, I work as a PA and a few times ive made typos in the zebra when charging out outdated bread, one time i had 2 outdated bread packages on the bakery table and accidentally i typed 12 and pressed process. and it was too late. I was like OMG FACEPALM. It's happened other times too but I try to be careful. Don't we all make typos?

Btw when that does happen anyone know if theres a way you can fix that so the quanities are accurate? (sorry for changing the subject)
You sound like a terrible PA.
You sound like a terrible PA.
Actually i'm not, I've gotten top performer over 6 times working at target for 10 years. Who are you to judge? A few mistakes doesn't make you a bad PA.

Your just another troll trolling the forum. I've seen your posts to other people. Rude and obnoxious. And you haven't made mistakes before? Oh please. You probably don't even work for Target. I'm surprised you haven't been banned from this site.
Judge Not Lest Yea Be Judged!

And since I will be doing the judging it will be pretty harsh this morning.

We are all about honest opinions here and sometimes that means peoples feelings can be hurt (even downright crumpled) but there is a difference between an honest appraisal of a situation with constructive criticism and being a dick.

Number one rule around here, don't be a dick.
Exactly. There's a difference between giving an opinion and being a dick to many members of this forum. Hopefully I didn't sound harsh before, but I'm sure theres members on here that just troll around for fun on this forum. I hate when people can't put serious answers to questions on here or have to be completely rude to others for no reason...Oh well I'm over it now. That's life. No mater where you go, work,school,shopping or even driving there's always gonna be that one dick on the road
This is also a way that people get away with items for free. Putting in 20 cat food when they really have 25. Doesn't seem like too much if they're a couple of dollars each, but imagine that happening every 20-30 minutes or so throughout the entire day, in every open check lane, and you start to get a picture of how small things can add up when it comes to shortage/shrink in a store. As for DPCIs...Mixing up DPCIs isn't just extra work for other team members; it contributes to shortage and it affects sales, as well, through inaccurate OH counts in the system.


Just. Scan. Everything.


Im waiting for the day when corporate re-codes the quantity key so that it can only be used after GSA/GSTL authorization. At first I wanted them to get rid of it entirely but then remembered that sometimes huge orders for businesses or organizations call for it.
Press the button on your register to turn up the sound it makes when it scans so that you can be sure that everything is being properly scanned.

*shudder* This reminds me of my second time up at front lanes alone...someone threw me onto lane 12...which we both didn't realize was the lane that didn't have a working scanner recognition beeper thingy. I kept scanning one thing over and over and getting confused before turning to the screen and realizing that the shit wasn't beeping. They pulled me off after that guest but holy crap I was so paranoid ringing up that cart...I triple checked every item on screen after scanning: and it just feels downright wrong when it doesn't beep.

Anyway I learned a valuable lesson about positioning yourself so that you can easily glance at the screen regularly to check that you're actually ringing every item once. THEN I realized the hand scanner was my best friend. I just go *pewpewpew* every time I shoot/scan an item. Feels like I'm a space cowgirl.

Buuut I digress.
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