I'm Lost! How to Check Your Schedule Online

I just started this weekend and there are a few days in the next few months that I needed to request off, which I did on the compute at the store already r. I just logged in to Kronos, but it is saying that I have no current requests. Is that normal or is it that I messed up when putting in the requests.
Did you communicate to your mgt when you were hired?

The manager asked if I wanted to work every weekend (I only work weekends at Target) and I told him I would occasionally need to request a day off, but I typically worked every weekend at my previous PT job. He said that is fine, but he no longer works for the company.
HLM meant don’t expect Holidays/Weekends (not holiday weekends) off from Target.

Thank you for the clarification. Does that mean I will never be approved for a weekend or even just 1 weekend day off? That seems a little strange to me. I mean, I plan to work most weekends, but things come up.
Thank you for the clarification. Does that mean I will never be approved for a weekend or even just 1 weekend day off? That seems a little strange to me. I mean, I plan to work most weekends, but things come up.
No, as long as it’s not Q4, you can get the occasional weekend off. Just not EVERY one. Depends on your store.
Is there a new link to check the schedule from a laptop? The one on the first page doesn't work any longer.
Mytime now seems to use IDentity 2.0 for signin. kronos and AFAIK workbench And mysupport still use older login systems.

If they’re ever updated, it would mean you could signin once on workbench on the computer and not have to sign in again to mysupport or mytime.

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