Archived How to discontinue my benefits?

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Jun 24, 2011
So, I started a full time job in the fall, and have been continuing to work at Target on the weekends, just because I need my benefits. Now, this month I should be finding out that I'm hired on by the company (I've been paid through a temp agency the first few months), and thus I will be getting benefits from them. I currently have benefits through Target, which I know gets automatically renewed for April 1. How do I say, or go about getting rid of my benefits, as I will not be needing them? I also have a 401K, which I know I will keep until I leave Target, but how do I also go about transferring my 401K to my new job?

Thanks for any help!
Talk to your EHR, they should be able to walk you through everything.
Multi choice:
On 401k, if you stay with spot, invest 100%. Big bucks.
If you don't, ask your hr for 401k forms.
Contact hr or say no doing open enrollment.
So here's the situation, the ways to cancel coverage is either Open Enrollment, or "Newly Eligible Elsewhere" meaning, within 30 days of newly acquiring coverage elsewhere you must call the target benefit center to request cancellation due to that reason. They may ask for proof of your new insurance though.
So, I started a full time job in the fall, and have been continuing to work at Target on the weekends, just because I need my benefits. Now, this month I should be finding out that I'm hired on by the company (I've been paid through a temp agency the first few months), and thus I will be getting benefits from them. I currently have benefits through Target, which I know gets automatically renewed for April 1. How do I say, or go about getting rid of my benefits, as I will not be needing them? I also have a 401K, which I know I will keep until I leave Target, but how do I also go about transferring my 401K to my new job?

Thanks for any help!
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