Answered How to know if a package needs to go on the truck?

Jun 15, 2020
Hi! I was packing 2 carts last night, that I think could’ve been picked/prepped/packed the next day, but I did them last night because I had time. Someone asked me if they needed to go on the truck, and I have no idea how to check to know if a shipment needs to go on the truck or if it can wait. in general i also don’t know if an order needs picked today/tomorrow etc. any help would be appreciated!
If it’s packed, send it, it doesn’t hurt if it’s early. Just make sure the pallet it’s sorted to, gets scanned out when the carrier comes for

When it comes to knowing what units need to be picked/prepped/packed/sorted by a certain time, look in MPM under Fulfillment, and it will tell you how many units are left and when they’re due by.

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