Archived How to take "Digital Advisor" status and run with it..

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Executive Team Leader
Aug 19, 2013
When the DA status was introduced, I was made a DA. Without giving up too much information, I have ample experience in IT and that was probably the basis of the decision, but my TLs and ETL now want me to use the DA status to develop me and get me into interviews.

My problem is that I'm not too sure on what to do. I do as much as I can as a GSA to help equipment control and I am able to troubleshoot the devices in the are most other people.

I've been trying to promote the use of Target apps with guests and talk about them at huddle...but I only get to attend once a week.

Does anyone have any ideas?!
I'd suggest people not read anything before 2015 as a lot has changed since then (heck you could probably skip all of January and most of February), but it is for sure a good read/resource.

Thanks for your help in that thread. Unfortunately as a GSA I don't get time to do much with the myDevices or even look at the software reports. The problem is that the other 3 DAs are old ladies who have trouble working their walkies...

My TLs mentioned that in light of the new "digital focus" at Target, I need to be owning the getappy movement, cartwheel, all Target owned applications for mobile devices, and flexible fulfillment.

What I'm asking in this thread is, what can I do to really become a driving force behind those topics while getting almost no time to sit down and learn, train, or read? Hoping to hear some great personal experiences.
As a GSA, you can tell your cashiers to mention Cartwheel while checking out guests and how they can save even more with it. Can sort of tie it with the red card. Reap the savings.

Bringing up the Target app is more difficult as a GSA unless you can chat with the sales floor during huddles. Sales floor should be mentioning that the item is available online (with free shipping with a red card or over $35) if it's not in store. One of my ETL's discourages using the words "out of stock," saying "we're not out of stock, it's just not on our shelves at the moment."

The nice thing about the app is you can create a shopping list in it and when you come in to the store, it will show you the aisle the product is in. No having to hunt a TM down or scavenge the store.
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I too am in your situation, here is what I did. Partner with your ETL-GE and try to get a few hours each week off the floor to do DA things. In order to really take complete ownership of anything iOS/Mydevice this is a necessity to have some time you can dedicate to it. This includes running the iOS Equipment Control report as well as following up with any noncompliant (update needed) devices and devices that haven't been seen in a while/expired certificates (expired certs are fun and involve CSC.) You can run the report as little as once a week or as often as you sit down at a computer to check Redwire or email, it is one of the more quick reports on Workbench depending on your device load, and my report checks up on 45 devices every time when you include Guest Service and PMT.

Personally, I "borrowed" a cheap clipboard out of TSC that I keep a recent iOS EC report on as well as the week's "Get Appy" and "Digital Deals" paper your ETL-GE should be updating each week on the board in TSC where all the metrics and stuff are. The problem with the iOS EC report is it only prints out the first 10 or 11 devices, so you may have to sort by "Devices with application issues" print that and then "Devices last seen >3 days ago" and print that. I find it helps me to keep all my DA stuff organized and in one spot. One report that's not on Workbench that you need to get from your ETL-GE is the list of what serial numbers correspond to what arbitrary device number (#1, #2, etc) because the serial number stickers on the sleds fade very quickly and all the Workbench reports go by serial number not store device number. This list helped immensely when my ETL-GE printed it off for me.

To be a driving force, it all comes down to educating the team. At the front, make sure your cashiers are educating guests on Cartwheel that aren't already using it. Encourage, but don't require them to use their personal devices to show them how Cartwheel works, but make sure they aren't being taken advantage of by the guest and delaying the transaction too much. Hint: Cashiers should educate but not let a guest require them to scan everything and give them the discount. Many cashiers at my store are eager to show the guests Cartwheel and use their personal phones because it earns them more savings. On the floor, you can partner with the SF TLs or whoever leads your huddles to make sure that when you can't be at the huddles someone is educating the floor team about the mydevices and letting them know what's on Cartwheel and promoting it to guests. Your ETL-GE should set up a store Cartwheel account that all the mydevices are logged into so that ideally, if a TM walks a guest to an item, that TM can say just from looking at the price in myWork "Oh, this is on Cartwheel! Do you know about that?".... and such.

Make sure your team across the store knows that they can come to you with any questions or for any information, establish yourself as the go-to person for everything myDevice. In order to really take ownership of the area you have to start with getting a complete understanding of how the processes work both on the TM and guest side so you can troubleshoot problems from both ends of the spectrum. If you're also doing updates, play around a bit with the new features so you can explain them to the team and get them excited for it. My team was most excited for SUBT/STO/QMOS to be added and the "scanner ready" beeping.

If you have any other specific or general questions about being a DA you can always PM me, I've become really familiar with the processes lately. @RunForACallBox is also one of the DA's on this forum if my memory serves me correctly.

Edit: so is @Hardlinesmaster
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Yes, I am a DA. The iOS report is your best friend. I currently have a GS iPad that refuses to update to the latest Target app version. That's my only non-compliant device out of my string of updates the past two weeks. Going to have to mySupport that. I created a excel of my store's devices SNs including the PMTs iPad mini and all other iDevices. It comes in handy a lot. My store currently lost its GE so now instead of just following up with my GE on updates they all come straight to me. We have other DAs but they don't do anything. They ask me how to troubleshoot. And no one comes in early enough besides me to do updates. Which is fine. But since I'm not electronics it's difficult to get the time to actually do any other DA responsibilities. POG workload calls...
Well I was going to suggest you partner with the LOD each day to make sure they talk about "Get Appy" at huddle...but @NitroKing2110 pretty much covered that and so much more!

The only thing I would add is make sure that your ETL has got the other ETLs and TLs onboard with letting you own everything MyDevice and app related. That info should be relayed at huddles so TMs know who to go to for more info. And the bonus of being GSA is that you are always in the same general area each shift, so it shouldn't be hard for TMs to find you with questions.
Tons of good info in this thread, I really appreciate it!
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