Archived How well do you think a 'The Break Room' Target store would run?

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No electronics position? I don't know if I should feel slighted or if I should take it as things to come.
Dibs as cashier.. but only if you let me cover guest service and actually give me shifts on the salesfloor so I didn't have to swap shift them all.
@qmosqueen and I could take PA positions. Though if we're a Super Target, I guess we'd have to take one of the many many perishables TL positions
Backroom day reporting. 😎

@mrknownothing may have you beat on that one.

@asidius knows more about the backroom than me, so he can have it.

Actually now that I'm thinking about it the one ETL job I think I could BS my way through is HR.
At least I'm pretty sure I could do it better than any of the HR ETLs I've ever had.

With your extensive knowledge of labor laws, respect for folks from all walks of life, and all-around common sense, you'd make a great ETL-HR (that is, if you don't want signing).
Actually now that I'm thinking about it the one ETL job I think I could BS my way through is HR.
At least I'm pretty sure I could do it better than any of the HR ETLs I've ever had.
I think we already put Hardlinesmaster down as ETL-HR but I second what mrk said, you'd make an awesome ETL-HL with an emphasis on signing.
Aw shucks, thanks, but no thanks. I'll leave that for @EagleEye. I hated when I was a supervisor.
I'll take either another SR.TPS position or normal APS.
Alright, so @TallAPGuy is either Senior TPS or Senior APS, whatever we feel would be more helpful. Maybe @On6 or someone else would want to be the ETL-AP? @HardlinesFour, maybe? Or hell, we could even be a real awesome store and have an ETL-AP, APTL, and APS's and TPS's. #BestAPTeamEver
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I wanna be ETLFA!

I wouldn't like to be ETL-Log even in this hypothetical store, but I'm certain I could kill it on Flow the way I do every day. I bet it'd be more fun with this crowd, too.
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